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By Lion-Lamb

A push,
A touch,
Your heart got a crush
 Cannot help but falling for it
With the memory that will last
If you are lucky
You are immune from SOS.

A push,
A touch,
You are gone from the storage.
If you are lucky,
You stay as trash,
Hoping someone will pick you up from the garbage.

Please tell me
How can I remove you from the cache
Of my memory cells,
Or shall I get an anti-SOS dose?

SOS: Switch On Syndrome 
Trash: in Apple computer , recycle bin call Trash

狮子羔羊 发表评论于
回复 '御宅的风儿' 的评论 : 谢谢风儿光临点评,问好风儿。
御宅的风儿 发表评论于
很有意思的诗 哈哈 不愧写代码的 而且很押韵