20161223-31 圣诞和新年夜

Dec 23 3:01pm

How are you feeling?

  Feeling better, hot bath helped a lot

Good to hear it. Stay warm and get better baby. How many sick days do you get each year?

  Maybe 3-5 days.


Dec 25 11:17am

Merry Christmas

  Merry Christmas baby!


  Dec 26 Monday 7:55am Good morning baby! Feeling need your hug. :-)

Everything ok? Hug

  Everything is okay, just want you to hold me. ;-)

4:12pm Be up after supper


I'm bringing dessert. 7:15 ish


七点五分他过来了,带了红酒、按摩油和自己做的Cheese Cake。我给他新买了行李箱和Lululemon的夹克。这两天他不在我感冒很难受,今天好了一些,他又照顾我泡澡。


Dec 27 1:17pm T will stay my place for these four days. Can I stay your place? ;-)

Funny, being invaded by family. I have to deal with this investigation. I'm working on anyway. It's becoming a legal mess.


So I'll come grab a few clothes and then we'll get together at night for supper with Tony


I have to go back to my room mate anyways and look for my wife's lost wedding ring in a bag that's there. Looks like it needs to be this way for a day or two. How are you feeling?

  Feeling better.


   Dec 28 7:51am Good morning. T will stay with ** for this trip. His room mate is not in town until the new year.

It's ok you two spend time together I don't mind

  I was in our room last night. Hope I will not be alone again tonight

I left my bag at my room mates and told him I'd be home later tonight

  Tell him you have a hot date tonight.

Lol I should. Wouldn't that lead to more questions than answers

  Later tonight, you tell him you meet a girl at the meeting, and you are a little lost in her eyes, and fall since she shows her red lingerie to you from her neck... You are going with her tonight

Very nice


4:12pm I'd be short on my cosmetics bag

 I have stuff for your hair. What do you need and I don't have for you?

I'll pop by london drugs and get a few things. I do need to eventually get my stuff. lol

  Okay Show me what you buy when you are home

Can't wait to see the red lingerie though


I have Gang of four in my bag


What is the plan tonight? What do you need from me?

  Supper home and relaxing tonight. Need a lot from you


   ;-) Yes!



Dec 29 11:29am

Hey, our month end wasn't ready and I have to get it all done for tomorrow. My night just disappeared. Sorry. I might as well go to room mates and get my stuff and crash there. If I don't get it done I'll have to work on the weekend


Sorry about this work stuff

  Hope you can finish it tonight. It's okay baby.


下午五点多,他发了张穿着白色西装,打着黑色领结的照片过来。Rental fits well. All set for new years.

  ;-) I am bored.

Ok be right there




Dec 30 12:18pm If you and T want to uber over to the escape room I can drive everyone back

  That would be nice!

  5:41pm Ready to play!

Still at work. Where are you?

  We are waiting for uber.

Ah ok I am here at the escape room Just got here

  Are we expectiong an uber?

Oh I didn't order one for you. I can. Want me to order it?

  Yes please. Sorry I was missunderstood.

He'll be there in 5 mins. Tell him to step on it. I'll get paid up. Still all 7 coming?

Yes I think so

Maybe just check before I pay

  Yes she is 5 mins away


  7 of us

Perfect. He is close

  Okay thanks baby

He is there. Are you in?

  We are in

Ok tell him to drive fast for a 5 star rating. ;-)


Dec 31 中午我们八个人一起去西边吃火锅。把爸妈送回家,我们去打了两局激光枪,跑了一身汗。他照例是第一名,儿子第二,我第三,其他人排在后面。然后我俩把儿子他们送到机场。回来顺路去Costco买了排骨,晚上我俩随便吃了点东西,就打扮起来准备去参加新年晚会了,看到我白色的蕾丝裙,他眼睛都亮了,说真好看。新年倒计时后我们拥吻在一起,他在我耳边清晰地说:“ Happy new year baby! You know I love you!” 我咕咕哝哝地说:“Happy new year baby. I love you too." 估计他也没有听清楚。这是他第一次对我说 I love you, 我心里觉得有些震动。



