
西门庆绸铺销售已达 6千两, 相当买20个药店。生意升腾,体力衰竭。西门庆身宽体肥,腰背疼痛, 获百补延龄丹, 用人乳晨服。一天,西门庆书房赏雪瞌睡中梦瓶儿从阴间招呼他,被金莲扰醒,金莲嫉恨32岁的西门与31岁的奶妈如意共枕鸳鸯, 瓶儿是心上, 奶妈是心下,金莲是心外。

Ximen’s silk business generates revenue 6,000 pieces of silver, equivalent to buying 20 drug stores. Ximen's business is booming, while his health is declining. He is getting heavy and has chronic back pain, he is given the longevity medicine to take with human milk in the morning. One day, Ximen is enjoying the snow scenery in his library, half asleep, He sees Ping waving to him from the heaven, then, wakes up by Jin, who complaints the 32-year-old Ximen sleeps with the 31-year-old Ruyi, his son’s Nursing Mom, and Ximen has a Ping inside, Ruyi, under, Jin beyond.
