回复 'MusicBirdSky' 的评论 : Thank you for writing so much about your feeling. A college classmate sent that article to me and the true words made me very homesick too. I remember an article saying "if one does not want to leave the comfort zone of your home, he or she is unlikely to succeed." Hope we can comfort ourselves using that logic.
Happy Chinese New Year!
MusicBirdSky 发表评论于
There are tears in my eyes as I read this. You have such a way with words that convey how special 'Homeland' was and that will always be with you all with times. While reading your words, I feel pain in my heart. Chinese New Year is no longer a happy day for me as it should be because I am not with my families for15 years.
One thing I would like to say is that all the memories you had in the short time that you had them for will never be taken away, your hometown has left a legacy, and although that does not change. She has helped to make sure more awareness and love has got out. So wish writing this could take away your pain and every last one of us would if we could.
Happy Chinese New Year, Happyyl