




JenniferESL: Chicken Idioms & Proverbs - English Vocabulary (ZT)

A. Chicken Idoms & Proverbs

1. chicken: coward 胆怯

The boy challenged his brother to jump off the wall.

What is the matter? Are you chicken?

2. pecking order: hierarchy, ranking 等级

Offices, prisions and army and even dance troupe have their own pecking order. Each group has a way of organizing itself and deciding who has the power.

3. chicken out: not to do something because you are afraid 某人因为害怕而临阵退缩

Wendey stood at the edge of diving board, scared to jump down into water. But if she chickened out, her brother would tease her for a month.

The police began to search for the prisoner who flew the coop.

4. flew the coop: left; escaped, 逃跑

The police began to search for the prisoner who flew the coop.

5. run around like a chicken with his head cut off: going around in a rush with little direction 忙的像无头苍蝇

My co-worker tends to run around like a chicken with his head cut off. She worries and forgets where he is going and why.


6. walking on eggshells: behave carefully so as not to offend or upset someone小心翼翼

Aunt Patty gets upset about noises and messes. She also insists on good manners at all time. When we were kids, we were always walking on eggs shells in her home.


7. Don't count your chicken until they hatch. Don't plan on a success outcome too soon. 别高兴得太早。

The politician was already planning a victory party, but his opponent told him not to count his chickens before they hatched. Voting was not official over yet.

8. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't invest all you have in one thing. 别孤注一掷。

Most U.S. students apply to a few different colleges because they know not to put their eggs in one basket. They hope for at least one or two acceptance letters.

B. Exercise: Choose the Correct Expression to complete Each Statement

1. Audrey and Grace were planning what they are going to do with the prize money, but I reminded them that they haven't won yet. "____________________," I said.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch;

Don't put your eggs in one basket

2. Anthony, the youngest of three, ____________ at 19. He is eager to leave home and get out on his own. He now runs a pizz shop in town.

chicken out OR flew the coop

3. I wanted to ride the roller coasters with my friends in town, but at the last moment I __________ and decided not to go.  It was too scary for me.

walked on egg shells OR chickened out

4. When you join a new company, you need to figure out the____________. The titles don't always tell you who all have influences and control in your workplace.

pecking order OR eggs in one basket

5. Before her wedding day, my sister ______________ trying to get all the detailes settled. Thankfully, on her wedding day she was calm enough to enjoy her speical day.

ran around like a chicken with her head cut off OR counted her chickens

6. Come on. Don't be a__________. There is nothing to be afraid of.

pecking order OR chicken

7. My parents were really angery about the broken window, so for a couple of days, I felt like I was ____________. I did not want to upset them even more.

counting chickens OR walking on eggshells.

8. Any invester will tell you not to _____________ . If one investment doesn't work out,  you can still profit from other investments.

put all your eggs in one basket OR fly the coop











1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch;

2. flew the coop;

3. chickened out

4. pecking order

5. ran around like a chicken with her head cut off

6. chicken

7. walking on eggshells.

8. put all your eggs in one basket



