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经营一个SWING交易, 需要观察,了解,试探,下注。一旦对好节奏,可下重手。以下是4次交易的过程。

2016/05/31: LFC形成双底HL,轻仓试探买进3000股; 未能如预期表现,06/14减仓1000.



10/18/2016:LFC接近下轨,试探买入2000;11/9/2016站稳支撑,加仓1000(同时在另一账户追加,略过);11/25 出轨,卖出取利。

12/19/2016:LFC触下轨,试探买入2000;1/9, 1/20, 1/23乘胜加仓。2/10 出轨,卖出取利。




Disclaim: For general information exchange only, not for investment recommendations Disclaimer

This material has been prepared by牛经沧海@2017. This document is for information and illustrative purposes only and does not purport to show actual results. 牛经沧海shall not have any liability for any damages of any kind whatsoever relating to this material. You should consult your advisors with respect to these areas.


fishpet1 发表评论于
thank you very much
大黄鱼 发表评论于
much ado for chicken feed. Most of the short term traders have selective memory, i.e. they selectively "forget" their losses. Also, in a bull market, short term trading with its attendant tax consequences is the most foolish investment strategy.
牛经沧海 发表评论于
I did, lol
来源: 牛经沧海 于 2017-01-26 10:52:48 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:2903 次 (88 bytes)
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hhtt 发表评论于
Just to be fair. Please show a case that you lost 30K.