川普讲话开头先称赞祷告会是美国的伟大传统之一,然后围绕宗教主题大谈信仰和祷告的力量,有一句话颇有深度,他说:we easily forget that the quality of our lives is not defined by our material success, but by our spiritual success(我们很容易忘记,我们的生活质量不是以我们的物质成功来衡量,而是看我们精神上的成就)。
最后川普明确表示,政府将竭力捍卫和保护宗教自由,美国永远是一个宽容的社会。我们有世界上最慷慨的移民制度,但不允许别人利用这种慷慨破坏我们的价值观。所有公民都可以在不害怕敌对或暴力的情况下实践他们的信仰。正是这种信仰将横跨海洋的先辈们带到美国实现了梦想,而我们要把这个梦想继续下去。As long as we have God, we are never, ever alone. Whether it's the soldier on the night watch, or the single parent on the night shift, God will always give us solace and strength, and comfort. Because that's what we are and that is what we will always be and that is what our people want; one beautiful nation, under God.
回复 'rty' 的评论: 川普在自己的公司里提拔了很多女性高层excutives。这在以男性为主的传统建筑行业是不多见的。所以很难说他是歧视女性的。他的做法实际上对女性地位的提高有更大帮助。对女性的尊重不只是体现在开开门拉拉椅子这类事上,愿意承认你的能力,在没有政府压力的情况下还愿意付你高薪任于重位才是真正的尊重。那种照顾女性派名额招人的做法实际上是把女性当弱者的心态。我喜欢他女儿形容父亲的一句话:he is color-blind and gender-neutral.
Christians are smart. They can do all the bad things and still claim God help them. If there is really God, it will give up helping real quick. Trump did and said all the bad things on women and still claim under God. Oops. Is there really such thing like God? This is further proof there is no God.
小兔三屋 发表评论于
谢谢FayArk留言,如果照着稿子念很难看出他的真实态度,自由谈更有说服力。总的感觉还是有一点“人定胜天”的意味,结尾若用诗篇127篇所罗门所说的:Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain(若不是耶和华 看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒),就完整了