约翰·洛克的教育思想(中英对照)-12: 控制欲

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DOMINION | I told you before, that children love liberty; and therefore they should be brought to do the things that are fit for them, without feeling any restraint laid upon them. I now tell you, they love something more; and that is dominion; and this is the first original of most vicious habits, that are ordinary and natural. This love of power and dominion shows itself very early, and that in these two things.

控制 |  我告诉过你小孩喜欢自由;因此应该让他们做所有适合他们的事情,不要使他们感到有任何限制。我现在告诉你,他们还喜欢别的东西,那就是控制;这是绝大多数普遍与自然的邪恶习惯的最早起源。对权力和控制的喜爱表现得很早,尤其在如下两方面。

1. We see children (as soon almost as they are born, I am sure long before they can speak) cry, grow peevish, sullen, and out of humour, for nothing but to have their wills. They would have their desires submitted to by others; they contend for a ready compliance from all about them, especially from those that stand near or beneath them in age or degree, as soon as they come to consider others with those distinctions.

1. 我们知道小孩 (几乎一出生,我确信远在会说话之前)哭闹、任性、发怒与不高兴,都只为了遂其心愿。他们要别人顺从他们的意愿;他们坚持让周围所有人随时服从他们,特别是那些年龄或地位与他们相近或低一点的人,只要他们注意到那些差别总是如此。

2. Another thing, wherein they show their love of dominion, is their desire to have things to be theirs; they would have property and possession, pleasing themselves with the power which that seems to give, and the right they thereby have to dispose of them as they please. He that has not observed these two humours working very betimes in children, has taken little notice of their actions: and he who thinks that these two roots of almost all the injustice and contention that so disturb human life, are not early to be weeded out, and contrary habits introduced, neglects the proper season to lay the foundations of a good and worthy man. To do this, I imagine, these following things may somewhat conduce.

2. 表现他们喜欢控制的另一事情,是他们期望把东西占为己有;他们想拥有资产与财物,他们自己很满意由此带来的力量和可以随意处置物品的权力。那没有察觉小孩很早就有这两种情绪的,是很少关注他们行为的人;这两种情绪是几乎所有扰乱人类生活的非正义与争斗的根源,谁认为不用及早根除,引入相反的习惯代替,就是忽视了奠定一个良善与有价值的人的基础的适当时机。要做到这一点,我料想下列事情可能有一些益处。


摘自Some Thoughts Concerning Education (English-Chinese Edition)(ISBN-10: 1537479857)
