约翰·洛克的教育思想(中英对照)-29: 其他技能

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TRADE | I have one thing more to add, which as soon as I mention, I shall run the danger of being suspected to have forgot what I am about, and what I have above written concerning education, all tending towards a gentleman's calling, with which a trade seems wholly to be inconsistent. And yet, I cannot forbear to say, I would have him learn a trade, a manual trade; nay, two or three, but one more particularly.

技艺 |  我还要提一件事,不过一旦说出之后,我就会被人怀疑忘乎所以,忘记我前面关于教育的议论全是关于一个绅士的职分,与技艺一点都不相干。然而我不能不说,我希望一个绅士也要学习一种技艺,一种手工的技艺;甚至不止一种,要学习两三种,只是特别注重一种。

The busy inclination of children being always to be directed to something that may be useful to them, the advantages proposed from what they are set about may be considered of two kinds: 1. Where the skill itself that is got by exercise is worth the having. Thus skill not only in languages and learned sciences, but in painting, turning, gardening, tempering and working in iron, and all other useful arts is worth the having. 2. Where the exercise itself, without any consideration, is necessary or useful for health. Knowledge in some things is so necessary to be got by children whilst they are young, that some part of their time is to be allotted to their improvement in them, though those employments contribute nothing at all to their health. Such are reading and writing and all other sedentary studies for the cultivating of the mind, which unavoidably take up a great part of a gentleman's time, quite from their cradles. Other manual arts, which are both got and exercised by labour, do many of them by that exercise not only increase our dexterity and skill, but contribute to our health too, especially such as employ us in the open air. In these, then, health and improvement may be joined together; and of these should some fit ones be chosen, to be made the recreations of one whose chief business is with books and study. In this choice the age and inclination of the person is to be considered, and constraint always to be avoided in bringing him to it. For command and force may often create, but can never cure, an aversion: and whatever any one is brought to by compulsion, he will leave as soon as he can, and be little profited and less recreated by, whilst he is at it.

小孩喜欢忙碌的倾向应该总是导向对他们有益的事情上,他们这样做有两个好处:1. 从练习得来的技能本身就值得拥有。这指的不仅是语言的和所学科学的技能,而且也包括绘画、切削、园艺、淬火、打铁等等值得拥有的技能。2. 练习本身,不考虑别的,对健康是必需的或有益的。有的知识是孩子年轻时候必须要知道的,虽然那些知识对他们健康并无好处的,他们还是要花一些时间在它们上面以得到提高。譬如阅读和写作,以及其它久坐不动的学习,是为了培养心灵,一个绅士从小就不可避免地用很大一部分时间学习。而别的手工技艺,要通过劳动来获得与练习,许多这样的手工劳动不但能通过练习增进我们的灵敏及技巧,而且有益于我们的健康,特别是那些我们要在户外做的事情更是如此。在这些事情上,健康与进步合而为一;而且一个以读书学习为主要任务的人,可以从中选取一些作为娱乐。在选择的时候,要考虑他的年龄与爱好,永远不要勉强他去做。因为命令与强迫常常引起、而不是医治憎恶的心理;任何人对于任何强人所难的事情,一有机会他就会离开,做的时候也不会得益,更不用说得到娱乐消遣了。

PAINTING | That which of all others would please me best, would be a painter, were there not an argument or two against it, not easy to be answered. First, ill painting is one of the worst things in the world; and to attain a tolerable degree of skill in it, requires too much of a man’s time. If he has a natural inclination to it, it will endanger the neglect of all other more useful studies, to give way to that; and if he have no inclination to it, all the time, pains, and money shall be employed in it, will be thrown away to no purpose. Another reason why I am not for painting in a gentleman, is, because it is a sedentary recreation, which more employs the mind than the body. A gentleman's more serious employment, I look on to be study; and when that demands relaxation and refreshment, it should be in some exercise of the body, which unbends the thought, and confirms the health and strength. For these two reasons I am not for painting.

绘画 |  在其它一切有技艺的人中,我最喜欢的应该是画家,假若不是有一两个不易解答的意见反对绘画。第一,丑陋的绘画是世上最糟糕的事情之一;并且为取得可以容忍的绘画技巧,会耗费一个人过多的时间。假如他天生爱好绘画,会有为此忽视其它一切更加有用的学问的危险;假如他没有这种爱好,所有花费在它上面的时间、努力与金钱就完全白费了。我不赞成一位绅士绘画的另一个理由是,绘画是一种静坐的娱乐,它运用心神多过运用身体。一个绅士更正经的工作,我认为是学习;当那要求放松和恢复的时候,应该是运动身体,使思想放松,以确保健康与精力。因为这两个理由,所以我不赞成绘画。

GARDENING, JOINER | In the next place, for a country gentleman I should propose one, or rather both these, viz. Gardening or husbandry in general, and working in wood, as a carpenter, joiner, or turner, these being fit and healthy recreations for a man of study or business. For since the mind endures not to be constantly employed in the same thing or way, and sedentary or studious men should have some exercise, that at the same time might divert their minds and employ their bodies, I know none that could do it better for a country gentleman than these two; the one of them affording him exercise when the weather or season keeps him from the other. Besides that, by being skilled in the one of them, he will be able to govern and teach his gardener; by the other, contrive and make a great many things both of delight and use: though these I propose not as the chief end of his labour, but as temptations to it; diversion from his other more serious thoughts and employments by useful and healthy manual exercise being what I chiefly aim at in it.

园艺,细木工 |  其次,为一个乡村绅士着想,我建议学习一种、或者最好两种技艺,一种是园艺或一般农艺,另一种是木工活,如同木匠、细木匠或切削工匠之类的,这些对一个学习或做事的人都是合适与健康的消遣。因为心思不能一直放在同一件事情或同一个方法上,同时久坐或勤学的人也需要一些锻炼,以便同时让心思转念、让身体得到运动,我认为没有比这两者更适合一个乡村绅士的;当天气或季节的原因而不能做园艺,木工活可以让他得到锻炼。此外,有园艺技能,他就有能力管理与指导他的园丁;学会木工,他可以设计与制作很多有趣又有用的东西,虽然我并不将其作为他劳动的主要目的,只是当作吸引他去劳动的诱饵;我的主要目标是,通过有益的、健康的体力锻炼,让他能从别的更严肃的思想和工作上移开而得到消遣。

The great men among the ancients understood very well how to reconcile manual labour with affairs of state, and thought it no lessening to their dignity, to make the one the recreation to the other. That indeed which seems most generally to have employed and diverted their spare hours, was agriculture. Gideon amongst the Jews was taken from threshing, as well as Cincinnatus amongst the Romans, from the plough, to command the armies of their countries against their enemies; and it is plain their dexterous handling of the flail, or the plough, and being good workmen with these tools, did not hinder their skill in arms, nor make them less able in the arts of war or government. They were great captains and statesmen, as well as husbandmen. Cato major, who had with great reputation born all the great offices of the commonwealth, has left us an evidence under his own hand, how much he was versed in conntry affairs; and, as I remember, Cyrus thought gardening so little beneath the dignity and grandeur of a throne, that he showed Xenophon a large field of fruit-trees, all of his own planting. The records of antiquity, both amongst jews and gentiles, are full of instances of this kind, if it were necessary to recommend useful recreations by examples.

古代的伟人们很懂得怎样利用体力劳动来作为对国家大事操劳的调节,他们认为用体力劳动作为处理国家大事之后的消遣,丝毫无损于其尊严。他们闲暇时最常用的消遣方式其实是务农。犹太人中的基甸 (Gideon)是在打谷时被人请出来的,罗马人中的辛辛纳图斯(Cincinnatus)则是在犁田时被人喊出来,去指挥本国军队抵御外敌;很显然,他们能灵活地使用连枷或犁耙,他们是能善用这些工具的良匠,这并不妨碍他们指挥军队的技巧,也没有使他们在作战与统治的才能减弱。他们既是伟大的将领和政治家,又是农夫。老加图 (Cato Major)在罗马共和政府担任过所有的高官,名声极大,他亲手给我们留下了证据,显示他对于乡村的事务是何等精通;而且我记得赛拉斯(Cyrus)认为园艺并无损于皇帝的尊严,他曾将自己亲自种植的一大片果林指给塞诺封(Xenophon)看。假如有必要列举倡导有益娱乐的例子,在古代史料中,犹太人与异邦人那里有极多这样的事例。

RECREATION | Nor let it be thought that I mistake, when I call these or the like exercises of manual arts, diversions or recreations: for recreation is not being idle (as every one may observe) but easing the wearied part by change of business: and he that thinks diversion may not lie in hard and painful labour, forgets the early rising, hard riding, heat, cold and hunger of huntsmen, which is yet known to be the constant recreation of men of the greatest condition. Delving, planting, inoculating, or any the like profitable employments, would be no less a diversion than any of the idle sports in fashion, if men could but be brought to delight in them, which custom and skill in a trade will quickly bring any one to do. And I doubt not but there are to be found those, who being frequently called to cards or any other play by those they could not refuse, have been more tired with these recreations than with any the most serious employment of life, though the play has been such as they have naturally had no aversion to, and with which they could willingly sometimes divert themselves.

消遣 | 当我将这些事情或类似的手艺练习称作消遣或娱乐时,不要以为我犯了错误;因为娱乐不是懒散不动(每个人都知道这一点),而是通过变换工作,使疲惫的部分得以放松;那认为消遣不该是困难与辛苦的劳动的人,肯定忘记了猎人的早起、艰难骑行、炎热、寒冷与饥饿等等,而打猎却被人们视为最伟大的人物所常有的娱乐。挖掘、种植、接种,或者任何类似的有益的工作,也能成为很好的娱乐,不逊于任何流行的无聊游戏,假如人们能习惯一门手艺、并且掌握其中的技能,他们能从中找到乐趣的话。而且我相信,有些人常常被人邀去打牌或别的什么游戏,他们不便拒绝,他们会厌恶那些娱乐更甚于生活中最正经的工作,虽然他们天生并不反感那种游戏,他们自己不时也会以其消遣。

Play, wherein persons of condition, especially ladies, waste so much of their time, is a plain instance to me that men cannot be perfectly idle; they must be doing something; for how else could they sit so many hours toiling at that which generally gives more vexation than delight to people whilst they are actually engaged in it? It is certain, gaming leaves no satisfaction behind it to those who reflect when it is over, and it no way profits either body or mind: as to their estates, if it strike so deep as to concern them, it is a trade then, and not a recreation, wherein few that have any thing else to live on thrive: and at best, a thriving gamester has but a poor trade on it, who fills his pockets at the price of his reputation.


Recreation belongs not to people who are strangers to business, and are not wasted and wearied with the employment of their calling. The skill should be, so to order their time of recreation, that it may relax and refresh the part that has been exercised and is tired, and yet do something which besides the present delight and ease, may produce what will afterwards be profitable. It has been nothing but the vanity and pride of greatness and riches, that has brought unprofitable and dangerous pastimes (as they are called) into fashion, and persuaded people into a belief, that the learning or putting their hands to any thing that was useful, could not be a diversion fit for a gentleman. This has been that which has given cards, dice and drinking so much credit in the world: and a great many throw away their spare hours in them, through the prevalency of custom, and want of some better employment to fill up the vacancy of leisure, more than from any real delight is to be found in them. They cannot bear the dead weight of unemployed time lying upon their hands, nor the uneasiness it is to do nothing at all: and having never learned any laudable manual art wherewith to divert themselves, they have recourse to those foolish or ill ways in use, to help off their time, which a rational man, till corrupted by custom, could find very little pleasure in.

那些不干事业、没有从事天职因而不感到疲乏的人,是不配享受娱乐的。技巧是,在安排娱乐时间时,应该使锻炼而疲乏的部分得到放松与恢复,同时还应做一些不仅可获得当下的快乐与舒适,还可使将来获益的事情。只是由于要显示自己伟大与富有的虚荣心及自负心理,才导致无益的、危险的 (正如他们称呼的)消遣成为时尚,并使人们误以为学习或是做任何有益的事情不是适合于一个绅士的消遣。这就是世上流行玩牌、赌博和酗酒的原因;许多人将闲暇的时间耗费在这些事情上,只是顺从习俗,以及缺乏一些好的消遣来填补空闲的缘故,而不是觉得里面有什么真正的快乐。他们不能承受闲暇时的沉重,也不能忍受无事可干的不安;他们从来没有学过任何值得赞赏的的手艺来使自己得到消遣,于是只好求助于那些愚蠢的或不良的方式,去消磨时间,而一个有理性的人,在他未被习俗败坏之前,不会从中发现一点乐趣。

TRADE | I say not this, that I would never have a young gentleman accommodate himself to the innocent diversions in fashion amongst those of his age and condition. I am so far from having him austere and morose to that degree, that I would persuade him to more than ordinary complaisance for all the gaieties and diversions of those he converses with, and be averse or testy in nothing they should desire of him, that might become a gentleman and an honest man. Though as to cards and dice, I think the safest and best way is never to learn any play upon them, and so to be incapacitated for those dangerous temptations and incroaching wasters of useful time. But allowance being made for idle and jovial conversation and all fashionable becoming recreations; I say, a young man will have time enough from his serious and main business, to learn almost any trade. It is want of application, and not of leisure, that men are not skilful in more arts than one; and an hour in a day, constantly employed in such a way of diversion, will carry a man in a short time a great deal farther than he can imagine: which, if it were of no other use but to drive the common, vicious, useless, and dangerous pastimes out of fashion, and to shew there was no need of them, would deserve to be encouraged. If men from their youth were weaned from that sauntering humour wherein some out of custom let a good part of their lives run uselessly away, without either business or recreation, they would find time enough to acquire dexterity and skill in hundreds of things, which, though remote from their proper callings, would not at all interfere with them. And therefore, I think, for this, as well as other reasons before-mentioned, a lazy, listless humour that idly dreams away the days, is of all others the least to be indulged or permitted in young people. It is the proper state of one sick and out of order in his health, and is tolerable in nobody else of what age or condition soever.

技艺 |  我并不是说一个年轻的绅士不该得到同龄的或同等条件的人中流行的无害的娱乐。我决不希望他如此的清苦与忧郁,我愿意劝说他对与其交往的人的高兴和娱乐更随和一些,他们让他做的事情,只要符合一个绅士及一个诚实的人的身分,他都不要嫌恶或恼怒。至于打牌与赌博,我觉得最安全、最好的办法是永远不去学习玩它们,就不会受到那些危险的诱惑,不会浪费有用的时间。至于闲聊、谈笑以及所有流行的合适娱乐,都是应该允许的;我说,一个年轻人在正经的、主要的工作之余,他还要有充裕的时间去学习任何手艺的。人们之所以没有学会一门以上的技艺,原因是缺乏努力,而不是没有空闲;一天花一个小时,不断地去进行这种消遣活动,可以让一个人在很短的时间取得超乎他想象的进步;即使它并没有别的益处,只要能将通常邪恶、无用及危险的消遣排除在时尚之外,并且显示它们并非必需的,这就值得提倡。如果人们从年轻时起就能戒掉那种混日子的习气,不象某些让那样,因为习俗而将其生命的相当部分无益地浪费,既不干工作,又没有娱乐,那么他们就有足够的时间在上百种事情上获得熟练技巧,那些技艺即使与他们的职业相距甚远,但是决不会妨碍他们的职业。因为这层理由以及前述的各种理由,我认为懒散、无精打采、无所事事地梦游混日子,是最不能容许在年轻人身上存在的。这是一个生病、不健康的人的典型症状,无论什么年龄或身份的人都不该出现这种状况。

To the arts above mentioned may be added perfuming, varnishing, graving, and several sorts of working in iron, brass, and silver: and if, as it happens to most young gentlemen, that a considerable part of his time be spent in a great town, he may learn to cut, polish, and set precious stones, or employ himself in grinding and polishing optical glasses. Amongst the great variety there is of ingenious manual arts, it will be impossible that no one should be found to please and delight him, unless he be either idle or debauched, which is not to be supposed in a right way of education. And since he cannot always be employed in study, reading, and conversation, there will be many an hour, besides what his exercises will take up, which, if not spent this way, will be spent worse. For, I conclude, a young man will seldom desire to sit perfectly still and idle; or if he does, it is a fault that ought to be mended.


But if his mistaken parents, frightened with the disgraceful names of mechanic and trade, shall have an aversion to any thing of this kind in their children; yet there is one thing relating to trade, which, when they consider, they will think absolutely necessary for their sons to learn.


MERCHANTS ACCOUNTS | Merchants accounts, though a science not likely to help a gentleman to get an estate, yet possibly there is not any thing of more use and efficacy to make him preserve the estate he has. It is seldom observed, that he who keeps an account of his income and expences, and thereby has constantly under view the course of his domestic affairs, lets them run to ruin; and I doubt not but many a man gets behind-hand, before he is aware, or runs further on, when he is once in, for want of this care, or the skill to do it. I would therefore advise all gentlemen to learn perfectly merchants accounts, and not to think it is a skill that belongs not to them, because it has received its name from, and has been chiefly practised by, men of traffic.

商业会计 |  虽然商业会计是一种不能帮助一个绅士去获得财富的科学,但就保持其原有的财富而论,没有任何事情比它更有用、更有效。很少见到对收支记账,并因此随时了解家务状况的人,会让家务走上衰败;我相信,许多人是因为没有留意,或是缺乏这种技能,常常欠了账自己才知道,或者旧债未还,又欠新债。所以我奉劝所有绅士都要完全地学会商业会计,不要因其名称来自商业,使用者也多是商人,便认为不是他们应该学习的技能。

When my young master has once got the skill of keeping accounts, (which is a business of reason more than arithmetic) perhaps it will not be amiss, that his father from thenceforth require him to do it in all his concernments. Not that I would have him set down every pint of wine, or play, that costs him money; the general name of expences will serve for such things well enough: nor would I have his father look so narrowly into these accounts, as to take occasion from thence to criticise on his expences. He must remember, that he himself was once a young man, and not forget the thoughts he had then, nor the right his son has to have the same, and to have allowance made for them. If therefore I would have the young gentleman obliged to keep an account, it is not at all to have that way a check upon his expences, (for what the father allows him, he ought to let him be fully master of,) but only, that he might be brought early into the custom of doing it, and that it might be made familiar and habitual to him betimes, which will be so useful and necessary to be constantly practised through the whole course of his life. A noble Venetian, whose son wallowed in the plenty of his father's riches, finding his son's expences grow very high and extravagant, ordered his cashier to let him have, for the future, no more money than what he should count when he received it. This one would think no great restraint to a young gentleman's expences, who could freely have as much money as he would tell. But yet this, to one who was used to nothing but the pursuit of his pleasures, proved a very great trouble, which at last ended in this sober and advantageous reflection: "If it be so much pains to me, barely to count the money I would spend; what labour and pains did it cost my ancestors, not only to count, but get it?" This rational thought, suggested by this little pains imposed upon him, wrought so effectually upon his mind, that it made him take up, and from that time forwards prove a good husband. This at least every body must allow, that nothing is likelier to keep a man within compass, than the having constantly before his eyes the state of his affairs, in a regular course of account.

一旦我的少主人学会记账的技艺(这与其说是算术的工作,不如说是理智的工作),也许他的父亲不妨叫他把他所有的重要事项都记下来。我并不是要他将花钱买的每一品脱酒或花钱的游戏全都记下,只要有花费的一般名称就够了;我也不想要他的父亲去严格地检查这些账目,从中寻找指摘他花费不当的机会。做父亲的应该记得,他自己也曾是个年轻人,不要忘记自己年轻时的思想,他也不要忘记其子有权利产生同样的思想,他应该容忍那些思想。所以,如果我主张一个年轻绅士要记账,目的并不是借此去检查其用途(因为对于父亲允许之事,他可以完全自己作主),我只是要让他早日养成做此事的习惯,能及时把账记得熟炼自如,这种工作是非常有用与必要的,他在他的一生中都要经常练习。有一个威尼斯显贵,他的儿子沉湎于父亲的巨大财富;威尼斯人发现儿子花费极大、极挥霍,于是便吩咐账房,以后他的儿子来取钱时必须点数,给他的钱数不可多过他所点的数目。大家也许觉得这办法对于一个年轻绅士的用度并没有很大约束,因为他可以说多少钱就自由地取多少钱。但是即使这样,对于一个只知寻欢作乐的人,也是一个极大的麻烦,最终导致这样严肃的、有益的反思:"如果我数一数我要花的钱都觉得这么心烦,而我的祖先不但要数钱,还要设法去赚钱,他们该是何等地辛苦费力呢?" 这样理智的思考是在他遭受了这一点小小的辛苦后引起的,对他的心理影响很大,使他知道努力,从此以后成为一个节俭的人。至少每个人会承认,要使一个人花费有节制,最好是有一个日常开销的账目,以使他随时了解自己的财务状况。


摘自Some Thoughts Concerning Education (English-Chinese Edition)(ISBN-10: 1537479857)
