一方面这是因为人类离不开哲学。机器人可以完全按照数据来进行操作,而人类则必须要通过概念和抽象的思维才能真正理解领会数据所表达的意思。虽然在一些具体的操作中,人类似乎可以表现出是依据数据来操作,但是实际上人类对于知识的理解一定要转化为以概念为基本单元的哲学思维。人类的科学研究的结果如果不升华为哲学的理解也就是一堆数据和影像而已。所以,黑格尔在他的《现象学》中说,“人们通常没有感知到,不论是什么样的可以被当作真理的知识或科学,哪怕只是作为真理的内容,只有当它在产生过程中经过了哲学之手,才能配得上‘真理’的称号(There is a general failure to perceive that, in the case of any knowledge, and any science, what is taken for truth, even as regards content, can only deserve the name of “truth” when philosophy has had a hand in its production. )[1]”
[1] The Phenomenology of Mind, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,1807, trans.J B Baillie 1910, PREFACE,URL https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/ph/phprefac.htm
Your deduction is logically unsound and full of holes. You don't have a definition for philosophy. I suppose what you call data should be more appropriately termed computation. You don't explain why philosophy is uncomputable. You know, computer can already manipulate symbols and make abstract logical deductions including proving mathematical theorems. People have already made a program that discovered Newton's Second Law of Motion from observing experimental data and actively designing experiments. You are merely making claims without any logical deduction. For example, you simply announce "机器人不需要哲学,这是毫无疑问的". You are supposed to prove your claim. There is no value in making claims without at least some supporting deduction and evidence. Your whole article consists of such isolated pronouncements.