回复 '雅美之途' 的评论 : PCR得的是化学奖,不是生理学&医学奖; 单克隆抗体是克隆选择学说最直接的证明,理论意义极其重大,所以当年的获奖者中包括了Jerne。some procedures for medicine,比如骨髓移植是因为直接拯救了生命,跟青蒿素一样,侧重于生理及医学中的医。你列出的https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2007/advanced.html不过是对Gene targeting 做知识介绍,cite了几十篇文献,包括与得奖者毫无关系的Cre-Loxp系统。即便这样,87年的HPRT paper 显然是重点介绍,而不是85年的globin。
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : One citation was from Nobel committee. Please don't forget Nobel Prizes for PCR, monoclonal antibody and some procedures for medicine.
czhz 发表评论于
当年的诺奖也是与ES Cell 绑在一起发的。
czhz 发表评论于
回复 '雅美之途' 的评论 : Smithies 当然推自己85年的文章,而不是87年的文章,因为这样就早2年,也比Marrio 的文章早。To the best of knowledge, Gene Targeting 是唯一因技术而获诺贝尔生理医学奖的成果,其它都是因揭示生命现象和理论而得奖。而Gene Targeting 作为技术是与ES Cell连在一起的才得以应用,85年的文章没有用到ES Cell, 不具实用性,87年Tom的Nature文章才用到了ES Cell,才能做knock out 老鼠。
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : You completely messed up.
"The strategy was successful and he reported in a landmark paper in the September 19, 1985 issue of Nature the successful integration by homologous recombination of a plasmid into the chromosomal β-globin gene of human erythroleukaemia cells [24].
[24] Smithies O, Gregg, R. G., Boggs, S. S., Doralewski, M. A., Kucherlapati, R. S. Insertion of DNA sequences into the human chromosomal beta-globin locus by homologous recombination. Nature. 1985;317:230-4.
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : You are simply wrong. Please see here from Smithies' biography:
"But without this decision I might not have had the time to start the experiments, begun at age 57, which led to my best gene targeting paper, published after I was 60 (Smithies et al., 1985)."
He won Nobel virtually by this paper published in Nature:
Smithies, O., Gregg, R. G., Boggs, S. S., Koralewski, M. A., and Kucherlapati, R. S. (1985). Insertion of DNA sequences into the human chromosomal beta-globin locus by homologous recombination. Nature 317, 230-234.