》但人最不能忍受的就是“不确定性”(uncertainty), 或像你所说“不可控制性”。人总希望对未来有确定性(Certainty, and NOW), and Self-control (If I give A, I will get B).
说得对,连俺自己都是最怕“不确定性”, 尤其到了一定的年纪,失去了年轻人的无惧心态 -:)
》事实上人生除了死,又有什么是完全确定及完全可控呢? 用这种说法去安慰人,效果只有几分钟。
这是我悟彻的最深的,“效果只有几分钟”,你看的也十分明白, 所以最终还是”自已对自己“
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人在工作遇到矛盾(尤其是男人),首先想的不是怎样面对矛盾,寻求客观解决办法。往往是"Fight" or "Flight" 的心态作怪,首先想到的是“走”。若有第三者客观分析,事情也许没有那么严重,严重到走人的地步,即使最后结局还是走人,也许有几个月缓冲的余地。
但人最不能忍受的就是“不确定性”(uncertainty), 或像你所说“不可控制性”。人总希望对未来有确定性(Certainty, and NOW), and Self-control (If I give A, I will get B).
事实上人生除了死,又有什么是完全确定及完全可控呢? 用这种说法去安慰人,效果只有几分钟。
现在有些网站提倡人生尽快拥有“F-U Money", basically financial independent, with resignation letter in back-pocket when going to work. This way, you don't take things that happen at work too seriously, and if the boss gives you trouble, you say "F-U, and I am leaving".
Then again, work is NOT only money, it is a symbol of status, "right or wrong" in a sense. So many company CEO's or Founders were kicked out, and most of them didn't take it well, that is why it was such a glorious thing, Steve job came back to take helm of Apple after being kicked out many years earlier.
We are such a complex animal, we suffer from and are tortured by, not only by surroundings, but many times by our inner self.