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存储与备份Storage and Backup:

  1. Google Drive: http://drive.google.com (15G free)

  2. Microsoft One Drive: https://onedrive.live.com/ (5G free)

  3. Dropbox.com (Get bonus space by this LInk) / Box (Link)

  4. Apple iCloud

图片存储与分享Photo Hosting and Share:

  1. Google Photo: https://photos.google.com/ (unlimited for standard resolution photos)

  2. Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/?hl=en  (for cellphone only)

视频存储与分享Video Hosting and Share:

  1. Youtube https://youtube.com

  2. Vimeo https://vimeo.com

  3. DailyMotion http://dailymotion.com


  1. Wechat 微信 https://www.wechat.com/en/

  2. Facebook Messenger https://www.messenger.com/

  3. Fongo (Free IP phone# for Canadian) https://www.fongo.com/

  4. Google Voice (free incoming phone # for US) https://voice.google.com

网站存储Web Hosting:

  1. 000webhost Free Hosting: https://www.000webhost.com/

  2. KVC SSD WEB Hosting(US)(Start $1.89/m): www.kvchosting.com


  1. Password Manager: https://www.lastpass.com/

  2. Sopho Home https://home.sophos.com/reg (centralized portal for whole family)

  3. Antimalware Malwarebyte https://www.malwarebytes.com/

  4. Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition https://www.bitdefender.com/solutions/free.html

邮件存储(通讯录与行程)Email Hosting:

  1. Google Gmail https://gmail.com

  2. Microsoft Live Outlook Mail https://outlook.com

  3. Apple iCloud

社交平台 Social Media

  1. Facebook

  2. Twitter

  3. Wechat

  4. Weibo http://us.weibo.com/gb

