下午在恢复室一醒来, 护士就告诉我手术非常成功,我的主任医师已经来看过我了。没多久“权威”医生就又来了,亲切地问候,细致的解释,末了还和我道别说他明天就要离开回国,他在我的出院函上留了那位“助理”的电话,如果我有任何问题,可以打那个电话。诚惶诚恐下我私下里暗想,这位天人般的“权威”应该是我此生能见到的唯一的医学“权威”了。而Brigham and Women's Hospital 也至此成了我心中最好的医院。
事隔快十年,上周五在领导的陪伴下,我第二次踏进了Brigham and Women's Hospital 的大门。不知是幸还是不幸,我那天又是去见“权威”的。
这次的过程也可谓一波三折,从开始约门诊到见到医生,花了我五个多月的时间。去年十月我就开始打电话约诊,总机的自动选项里有一个选择是对新病人的,说是留言会被24小时里回复,在我被忽略了无数次后,我终于忍无可忍留了一通投诉。 这下子倒是在24小时里接到了回电,结果在我根据他们的指示将我所有的medical record 传真过去后,又如石沉大海,被打入了冷宫。我这相痴痴傻傻的等着他们保证的回电,他们那边牛逼烘烘的摆架子。一周后我又是一个接一个电话, 连办公室的乔安都看不过去了,劝我换到麻省总院。可我这人就是抱着葫芦不开瓢——死脑筋,认准了Brigham and Women's Hospital 就是不回头。
我有两个朋友和我的情况差不多,几年前都是在地区医院做了手术,很成功但是创面大。我的专科医生建议我可以再等一阵,如果需要,他也是一个有十多年经验的手术医生。 我自己研究了一下,针对我的情况,只有城里几家大医院提供目前最先进的微创手术。 而我在周边另两位医生处得到的second opinion 基本没听到任何新的信息。而城里,我的第一选择,毫无疑问的就是见到那位“天人医生”的Brigham and Women's Hospital。
Doctor is very important. An example:a friend has neck ache for awhile but he did not do anything for a long time until he had trouble even to look back when tried to back out the car. He went to the hospital ( a famous one) and did all the tests and was referred to other specialists but no one can diagnose anhthing for almost half a year. In the meantime, the symptoms were getting worse and he no longer can drive. Even a slight turn of the neck made him extremely painful. Luckily, he was introduced to a Chinese doctor. Just one look at his neck, the doctor ordered an X ray and found a benign tumor in the back of head and decided to operate right away. Two days later, he was back on the job. All symptoms were gone.