20170508 本来说不见面的 Let me put you sleep

下午,他发来微信,The blue cable doesn't work properly. I need to return it. Do you have the box and receipt still?

  Yes, I can find them.

Also I forgot my jersey. Want to have supper at BR tonight? Nice salad?


Could do tomorrow night . It's ok either.

  The earlier the better, right? You can return it anytime.

Darn I also forgot my ball. Boy I relly did forgot a lot. Must have been distracted!


So supper tonight or tomorrow?


Awesome. 6?


我回到家,把他要的东西准备好,又装了两个苹果、一盒果仁。四点四十,刚装好,他又发来微信:How is the weather today?


Maybe I should come over and we can go for a walk then. After my chiro

  It would be nice. What time?

Ok sounds good. 5:30-5:45. Depending how busy chiro is.



5:17 Looks like close to 6. Buuuusy.

  It's okay.

蒜香烤排骨、醋溜西葫芦加米饭。出去散步,回来依偎在沙发里,一起订杭州的Stay,最后选中在山里的一间民宿,漫山茶园环抱,交通也很便利,所谓离尘却不离城。九点多他拉起我到卧室,Let me put you sleep... 温柔甜蜜。。。他却不让我碰他,说:“今天太晚了,睡觉前还有点工作,我可以等,周三我们再见。”看得出来他也很想要,不过我也不想他睡太晚,就没有坚持。

