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Who I Think is a Leader

I think my sister is a leader.  I think she is a leader because she always helps others.  She always encourages others and never gets mad, (she gets mad at me sometimes though).  

A year ago, when my sister was in 4th grade, she even helped some kindergarteners to play basketball during recess.  She got a basket.  Since the kindergarteners were too short to reach the basketball hoop on the the basketball court, she held up the basket on top of the blue playground rock wall while the kindergarteners got to shoot hoops into the basket with the basketball.  She did that everyday. 

She also lets me join in her games even when her friends come over.

然後就突然这麽结束了? 好像没写完啊。

读完也好惊讶,贝贝居然从来没跟我提起这件事,她只说四年级跟kinder刚好recess重合,经常带小小朋友一起玩。 現在誇她都晚了一整年啦。



Something I love

I’m going to post about something that I love today.  I’d be happy to receive any comments about what you enjoy.

My mom cooks food that she knows the family will enjoy and always makes sure her ingredients are healthy and nutritious.  She also plans tons of sleepovers, tea parties, and play dates for me and my brother.

My dad enjoys playing games with me and my brother and we always have fun together.  He also works very hard to make sure we have all we need and more.

My brother is my best friend.  He comforts me and is always eager to do something active with me.

Both of my parents help me to make sure that I continue to practice piano and be responsible.  I am still working on practicing piano better, but my parents are helping me to keep on trying at it!

You probably love  your family too.  Tell me why you like each of your family members in the comments.


lepton 发表评论于
回复 'flyflower' 的评论 : 谢谢飞花。你真甜蜜。他们姐弟也是有打打闹闹的时候啊,不过还好,大部分时候是亲爱的。
flyflower 发表评论于
lepton 发表评论于
回复 'cxyz' 的评论 : 那是在挪威北極圈裡一個群島上。 挪威實在美。
cxyz 发表评论于
lepton 发表评论于
回复 '于飞遂歌' 的评论 : 夸孩子我就厚着脸皮照单全收了。
lepton 发表评论于
回复 '小棒棒' 的评论 : 最大最大的心愿就是他们一直相亲相爱。
于飞遂歌 发表评论于
小棒棒 发表评论于
真好! 看着让人羡慕的姐弟俩。
lepton 发表评论于
回复 '为写而写' 的评论 : 希望他们永远都是彼此最好的朋友。 贝贝写博客是学区学校的博客链接,老师设定的,当然有password,只有同学和家长有得读。
为写而写 发表评论于