联邦调查局长被总统开除后有话要说,而且是对全国人民说,且不说内容如何,这事件本事就是爆炸性的新闻了。如何爆炸,只要设想一下王立军在被薄西来一记耳光之后夜走美领馆,然后开个记者会向全中国人民直播,那会引起什么样的轩然大波。所以有人把刚刚结束的Comey国会证言当成了政坛超级碗,全部主流新闻媒体都在第一时间把镜头对准了Comey和质询他的参议员,长达三小时的听证全盘直播。而当事人在这个会议开头的两句话,也显示了这个交锋的分量。 会议共和党主席对Comey说:You can have as long as you need。这违背了一般国会听证中证人只有几分钟时间开场白的惯例。而Comey的策略是把自己准备的发言稿丢在一边,直接向川普开火,显然是要把时间省下来留给后面的提问回答,以争取更多的机会来讲述被撸成老百姓的Comey自己的故事。
共和党对Trump的辩解有些可笑,有人说总统说“I hope you let it go”,是希望不是命令啊。但是却,设想你的老板对你说,I hope you do XYZ, 你会不把它当成命令吗?再举个夸张的例子,如果劫匪用枪指着你的头说“I hope you give me your money”, 是不是可以免罪了?
Comey的缺点。他太软,议员质询他,当总统向你提出不合理要求,你为什么不中止谈话,或直接告诉对方作为不妥?Comey无言以对。这让我想到Gorsuch面对议员的诘问:“如果总统对你的司法判断进行干涉你该如何”,大法官掷地有声的回答,“I would have walked out the door”。 看来大法官不愧是和总统平起平坐,水平就是比FBI局长水平高。
回复 'ahhhh' 的评论 : Flynn resigned after 28 days as NSA because he lied about his Russia connection and has been investigated because of it. His tie with Trump is so close the President personally push FBI to let him go. Trump said on record the Comey firing lift Russia pressure from him.
Trump himself is offering to tes tify under oath in front of Mueller.
How on the earth could Trump not be under Mueller investigation?
回复 '边走边看66' 'paris_echo'的评论 : 至于这个证据做不做数,美国法律定罪的一条重要标准是“beyond reasonable doubt",也就是说,任何证据(即便是录音也可能被剪接)要经过陪审团或法官的分析,判断和质疑,看看是不是合乎常理,才能决定到底“算不算数”。
第一,Comey的记录是记载FBI的专门电脑,很容易确定是不是在当天写下的。如果认定这个材料是Comey凭空捏造构陷Trump, 那就意味着Comey早在一月份,在自己被开除3个月前就开始筹划阴谋。而当时的背景是trump对comey评价很高:“I respect him a lot. I respect the FBI a lot,” "He's become more famous than me," 又拥抱又贴脸。而Comey本人也想留任。所以Comey从一开始写笔记完全为了构陷trump的说法,并非不可能,但是是否能通过“beyond the reasonable doubt"这个门槛, 是个问题。反之,如果没有这个即时记录,他仅仅红口白牙,那么凭空诬陷的可能性就大多了。
第二,他的笔记有很多手段可以证实或证伪。比如写到重要证人都被trump先行支走,是否真实?把那些人找来问问就行了。有没有留下吃饭,吃了什么,说了什么? 如果被特意支开,原因为何,难道是trump和comey要谈天气,谈女人,还是谈什么不能告人的事情? 口供一对,真相就出来了。
“Fired FBI director James B. Comey said President Trump told him at the White House “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty” during their private dinner conversation in January, according to written remarks from Comey offering a vivid preview of his testimony Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee”
On Jan. 27, at a White House dinner with just Trump and Comey, Trump suggested an FBI investigation to prove that certain rumors about him were not true.
"I replied that he should give that careful thought because it might create a narrative that we were investigating him personally, which we weren't, and because it was very difficult to prove a negative," Comey wrote.
吃饭时没提福临,是因为福临还没出问题,他开始有麻烦是2/9,被发现在接触俄国问题上撒谎。2/13麻烦缠身被逼辞职,第二天trump的电话就打过去给comey, I hope you let it go.
回复 'ahhhh' 的评论 :
Top 10 Things We Learned Today
1.Trump was never under Investigation.
Oops, He is now...
under independent counsel Mueller, who is Comey's friend...
With presidency, house and senate all controlled by GOP, It doesn't have to be this way. All is caused by Trump's own erratic behavior and tweets.
cng 发表评论于
回复 'firstuncle' 的评论 :
回复 'cng' 的评论 : 5/11 New York Time
哈哈,以为是什么猛料。你这个证据是来自trump lawyer的talking point而已。去word search一下那个新闻,里面根本没有提到memo或者notes,只是comey向媒体透露的单方面描述饭局。而trump威胁磁带之后,comey才让朋友向媒体打招呼有笔记,这个就比he said she said更近了一步,是真实的证据,而磁带只是子虚乌有。
LANKFORD: Okay. Fair enough. If the president wanted to stop an
investigation, how would he do that? Knowing it is an ongoing criminal
investigation or counterintelligence investigation, would that be a matter
of going to you, you perceive, and say, you make it stop because he doesn't
have the authority to stop it? How would the president make an ongoing
investigation stop?
COMEY: I'm not a legal scholar, but as a legal matter, the president is the
head of the executive branch and could direct, in theory, we have important
norms against this, but could anyone be investigative or not. I think he has
the legal authority. All of us ultimately report in the executive branch to
the president.
ahhhh 发表评论于
Top 10 Things We Learned Today
1.Trump was never under Investigation.
2.Trump did not obstruct Justice.
3.Trump did not collude with Russia.
4.Russia did not alter the election outcome.
5.Comey leaked his own memo.
6.Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton.
7.There was ample evidence to put Hillary Clinton in jail, but Comey chose not to pursue it.
8..CNN and other fake news outlets have been lying / making up things this entire time.
9.The Democratic party no longer has the ability to scream "RUSSIA" every time Trump tries to do something.
10. The Russian story is dead - any democrat who continues to push it will look foolish to the American people.