回复 'germantown12' 的评论 : Thanks so much for your reply. That is great your wife didn't miss the tour, though she missed the first two days of the tour (if I didn't misunderstand). How did she feel the remaining 5 day tour? Were she forced to buy something extraordinarily priced? An article just posted sounds alarming: 这样的旅行团还要再去吗? http://www.wenxuecity.com/blog/201707/72386/15779.html. Hope your wife are having good time in the tour.
warara 发表评论于
germantown12 发表评论于
回复 '也来凑热闹' 的评论 : 国航国内航班还真没坐过
germantown12 发表评论于
回复 'KC28' 的评论 : They caught up the same tour in Nanjing。No contract, no penalty. 江南七日游 only has 5 days of touring. I was told it became a shopping tour, at least 4 hours each day.
germantown12 发表评论于
回复 'Blue-Crab' 的评论 : 那应该是多年前的印象了,现在估计是虚名了
Blue-Crab 发表评论于
也来凑热闹 发表评论于
KC28 发表评论于
How's the 江南七日游? Did your wife have to change to another 江南七日游, or catch up the same tour in Nanjing? If so, would the 7 day tour become 5 day tour? Is there any penalty applied since she missed the first two days?