
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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1.閒人无乐趣,忙人无是非。 An idle man has no pleasure; a busy man has no time for dispute.  口說一句好話,如口出蓮花;口說一句壞話,如口吐毒蛇。 Good words are like lotus flowers blooming on lip; Bad words are like poisonous snakes



Many seek illumination by lighting up a lamp,when the true light is within. 人的心地就像一亩土,若没有播下好的种子,也长不出好的果实来。

Our mind is like a garden;if no good seeds are sown,nothing good will grow from it.


Our thoughts and actions create our destiny of heaven or hell.

三心二意无定性,四处徘徊不专精,尽管条条道路通长安,却永远无法到达终点! Even if every road led to Rome,when our mind is indecisive,constantly wandering,and unable to concentrate,we will never make it to our destination. 要用心,不要操心、烦心。

Be mindful,not worried or perturbed.


A confused mind suffers agony;An enlightened mind feels at ease. 心善即天堂,心恶即地狱。

A kind heart enjoys heavenly bilss;An evil mind experiences hell.


If our view is incorrect,our actions will not be right;If our thinking is biased,everything we do will be wrong.


Learn to remain undistrbed in the tumult of people and events.Remain at peace inside yourself even when busy and occupied.



True liberation is realized through unselfish giving for the benefit of mankind.It is also realized through the challenges of relationships with others. 有智慧的人能舍,能“舍”就能“得”,得到无限的快乐。

A wise person is able to let go.To let go is actually to receive,to receive boundless happiness.

智慧是从人与事之间磨练出来的,若逃避现实,离开人与事,便无从产生智慧。 Wisdom is cultivated in the interplay of people and events.To escape from reality,to keep away from people and events,provides no means to nurture wisdom.


Often when a person is too smart,they will overanalyze things and contradictions appear,hence,they become anxiously entrenched.


People,events and things are all living sutras that cultivate wisdom and discipline the mind to remain undisturbed in the face of phenomenon.


Equanimity nurtures wisdom.When we concentrate wholeheartedly on the task at hand and perceive the truth behind shifting phenomenon,wisdom will natrrally trow.

“道”不是在文字上求,应在日常的人事中,磨出“定力”由“定”而产生“慧”。 Spiritual cultivation cannot be found in the realm of words and writings.Apply the lessons of daily encounters with people and events to your practice,and gather the strength of equanimity.This equanimity will cultivate wisdom. 有智慧才能分辩善恶邪正;能谦虚则能建立美满人生。

With wisdom,we can discern good from evil,rigth from wrong;With humility,we will havre a happy life.


Compete only for good,Race against time,fight for every second.



People often feel upset because they take careless remarks too seriously. 如果有所付出就想有所回报,将会招来烦恼。

Giving with an expectation for return brings misery.


Greed not only brings miseryit may also bring ruin.


Suffering is caused by endless desire,the desire that creates bad karma. 烦恼就像一条毒蛇睡在人的心中,一触动它,蛇就会咬人。

Worry is a poisonous snake that sleeps in the mind;the moment you disturb it,the snake will bite you.


All worries in life flow from three poisons;greed,malice and ignorance. 人都因为有一个“我”作中心才有烦恼,所以要将“我”看淡些。

Worries arise from attachment to "self".So let go of your accachment. 拥有的人烦恼“失”没有的人忧虑“得”患得患失,即成忧愁。

When we have something,we are afraid of losing it.When we don't have something,we are afraid we won't get it The anxiety of gain and loss causes misery in our life.


We all have a pure and clear Buddha nature,obscured by worry and delusion.



It is more of a blessing to serve others than to be served.


To forgive once is to be blessed once.The more we forgive,the more we are blessed.


Those who sow the seeds of beessinges shall harvest plentiful blessings. 求福寿倒不如求平安,平安就是添福寿。

Rather than ask for blessings of fortune and longevity,ask for the blessing of peace of mind.Peace of mind will spawn more blessings.


When we care for others with deep sincerity.our heart of love is the noble seed that brings great blessings.



The expressions on our face and the tone of our vojce all communicate to others.So smile and speak softly;preserve a gentle attitude.


Be clear and complete when you talk and listen.Do not pick one sentence here,and one sentence there;or you may by accident intensely huret someone.


BE forgiving towards others.Be discreet in your speech.


A heart of joy is a virtue that brings happiness to others like a spring breeze.


To win the hearts of others and always be welcome,we must be cautious of our tone of vojce and facial expression.


A frown and a smile are both possible.Why not smile?


Every thought,every word,every action is the origin of karma and misfortune.



It is never too late for a deep-rooted affinity to blossom;Do not worry of a distant journey as long as one finds the way.


Making vows without taking any action is like ploughing a field without planting any seeds;there is no harvest to reap,letting opportunity pass us by. 每天要感谢父母与众生一生所作不要辜负父母与众生。

Be grateful to your parents and to all sentient beings,every day.In everything you do,never disappoint them.


Death is the new beginning of birth,birth begins another life after death Birth and death,living and dying,are all natural parts of the cycle of existence. 要把握做好事的因缘,一旦因缘消逝,想做就来不及了!

Do good things whenever the opportunity arises When the opportunity goes away,try as we may,it will be too late.


家庭不能只追求丰富的物质生活,应着重心灵沟通,使亲子、夫妻间和谐、圆满。 Do not just seek a rich material life for your family.It is more important for parent and child ,and husband and wife to communicate and nurture harmonious,and close relationships.


Birds have nests;people have homes.If family members live far apart,how can they have a happy family life?


You must be free of eno when you are with others,so expand your heart,be courteous,cooperative,and loving.


Life is full of illness.Disease is illness,family dispute is illness,social unrest is illness.


To have a warm and happy family,we should nurture a heart of joy and shower our family with blessings.


Social order rests on family education.Family education rests on individual integrity.



Do not seek physical health,wish for mental alertness.Do not seek easy accomplishments,wish for courage and perseverance.Do not seek less responsibility,wish for morestrength.


Do what is right and be content.Keep the mind pure and undefiled.Remain calm and serene always.


Beware of danger even during good times.Do not wait until you encounter danger to remembe the good times you had.


Tranquility is beauty.Equanimity is joy.



One evil thought plants an evil karmic seed;One good thought will result in good karmic fruit.


Constantly practice goodness when you are healthylant the seeds of goodness to reap the fruits of blessings,thus,paving the way to a healty life.


Accept with a heart of joy the obstructions brought on by karma which were caused by past actions;thus minimizing the retribution of bad karma.


Do not complain in the face of bad karmic forces.Be forgiving and accommodating instead of complaining.



Never lose courage,Never lose faith.Nothing isn this world is impossible when you are determined.

不管路有多远、自己的能力有多少,都能随分随尽量去达成目标,此即“毅力”。 Regardless how far the journey is or how capable we are,we do our best to reach our goal.This is perseverance at its best.


Hardwork signifies persistence and patiencce.To achieve great accomplishments,we must have a hardworking spirit.


A life of ease but no work,all play but no goal,will cause one to lose courage and determination.


Just like dripping water that can penetrate stone,patience and persistence can berk through anything,no matter how gerat the difficulty.


One must overcome difficulties,not be overcome by difficulties.



True blessings flow from our ability to love,and be loved by others.

要培养一分清净无染的爱。在感情上不要有得失心,不要想回收,就不会有烦恼。 Learn to develop pure and unconditional love;a love that has no sense of gain or loss,that asks for nothingin return.In this way we can be free of worries.


A love with conditions attached would never last Only pure,unconditional love will last forever.


Love is just like a cup of tea,when properly mixed,tastes wonderful with its light aroma.If it is too strong,it will be too bitter to drink.


Love all sentient beings with a mother'sheart;Teach our children with a Bodhisattva's wisdom.



Every achievement grows out of the seed of determination.


Do not underestimate your ability;everyone has unlimited potential.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with one first step.Even the sage was once an ordinary human being.


When you perform a task ,do it wholeheartedly;When you refuse a task,leave it without regret.


To begin is easy,to persist is difficult.Talking about truth without practicing it leads neither to enlightenment nor realizes the Dharma.


Make great vows,to benefit all sentient beings,thencarry them out in action at any time,any place.



We should not idle away our time,and drift in frivolous thoughts.It is best to nurture our innate goodness and develop our ability to help others.


When we have nothing to do and idle away our time,our spirit becomes weak and life seems meaningless.


A fulfilling life is not preoccupied with material objects,prestige,and power

A fulfilling life is filled with true friendships,sharing,and caring for each other.


To take life easy is not a negative attitude;it is a happy and positive attitude.It does not mean giving up hope;it is a true understanding of the real purpose of life.

人生几十年的成就,都是由每一天的言行累积而成。所以,要照顾好每一天的言行。 Our accomplishments in life are built on the words and actions we make every day;We must be discreet in our daily speech and behavior.


Life is like walking a tightrope;if we do not focus on what is ahead,budt keep looking behind,we are sure to fall.


In dealing with others learn how to compromise and give others a little more love This is the way to live happily.



Giving will reap the greatest harvest.


A peaceful mind is a blessing.The ability to work is also a blessing.Happiness is a blessing.Broadmindedness is also a blessing.


To give is better than to receive.


Give without expectation,and give with gratitude.


The more we give,the more we accomplish.


Giving is not the privilege of the rich,it is the privilege of the sincere.


To give without joy,not only carries no merit but increases distress.



A resolution must bu expressed with actions,not just words.


It is our duty not to harm others.Yet having a good heart without doing good things is still equal to doing nothing at all.


An excellent theory without practice is just empty talk.An excellent practice without adhering to the right principle will rarely succeed .


Progress in society comes through action,not through loud protest.

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