另外, 在IRA里放超过50万的钱Maybe并不是一个好办法。 应该尽量把钱放在Roth IRA或Cash Value Life Insurance里因为它们都是Tax Free 账号, 钱不计入Taxable Income里。
乔宁 发表评论于
请注意, 如果你领取SSB时有工作或其他收入,将按比例合并计算年度总收入,交税。
How much of my Social Security is taxable in 2016?
For individual (single) tax filers, if your combined income is between $25,000 and $34,000, 50% of your Social Security benefits may be subject to income tax. ... For joint filers, the income thresholds increase to a range of $32,000 to $44,000 for 50% taxation, and $44,000 and above for 85% taxation.
If someone knows how long he/she is going to live, he/she does not need SS because he/she will be richer than Bill Gates since they can see something in the future. My take is that no one knows how long they are going to live. Life expectancy is one thing, have you counted for accident and illness. Anyway, I will take SS at 62 even I don't need the money. I will put the SS to my investment account to start making money for me, not leave it with Uncle Sam to collect that meager interest from US treasury bonds.
如果按照文中例子相差不大,如假定丈夫大妻子3岁,且SSB比妻子多。妻子66岁开始SSB到82达到BREAK EVEN POINT。此时丈夫85岁超过平均寿命,妻子可随时TAKE OVER丈夫更高的SSB。似乎是不错的选择。其实,丈夫70岁开始SSB,与你的观点并无两样。不同的是妻子是否也该70岁开始。俺觉得还是66岁开始好些。原因就是文中说的,先用SSB有利于个人计划的资金滚动发展。比如,妻子SSB2000/月的话,66岁到81岁SSB总额比70岁到81岁要少动用本人退休计划资金约65万多。当过了BREAK EVEN POINT,70岁开始SSB开始超过66岁SSB,但并不多。图中显示,85岁时,两者相差1万左右。
hagerty 发表评论于
首先文学城的中文文章应该是关于我们华人的,那么就应该用asian american的预期寿命
其次,用预期寿命也不准确,life expectancy那是一个刚出生的人预期活多久。一个62岁的人预期还能活多久?这就不是简单的用预期寿命减去62岁。这是个条件概率。简单的说,应该是大于预期寿命减去62的。比如网上马上查一下美国社安局2014年的数据,life expectancy是76.3/81.1,但是62岁的人life expectancy是20/22.9.注意这是所有种族的,不是亚裔
综合以上两点,从概率上讲,一个62岁的亚裔,如果经济许可,推迟到70岁支取最合算。因为他此时的预期寿命至少有90。这个90是我估算的,因为asian american life expectancy是87
Yz_river 发表评论于
回复楼下两位的评论 : 谢来访和评论。
kentridge 发表评论于
i think the longevity risk is the bigger threat instead but i will choose some where in the middle