付清或不付清房贷?这是个问题!(2021年2月21日 更新)

难得糊涂。望能帮助大家解答投资理财的问题。使大家在投资理财的过程中, 不马马虎虎以及不糊糊涂涂被人忽悠, 尽快实现财务自由。
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I use this method to determine whether paying down the mortgage or not.

Let's say the mortgage rate is 4% for 30 years.  The question is whether you can make more than 4% annual return on your investment.  If the answer is YES, then don't pay down your mortgage.

Let's say your investment return is 6%, then 4% goes to the mortgage and you have 2% gain after that.  Actually, your mortgage rate could be lower if you have itemized your tax return, so your effective mortgage rate could be around 3%.  With current inflation rate around 2%, you are paying the mortgage with the depreciated dollar.

At today's economy and market condition, I will not pay down the mortgage since I can make more in the market.

I could think of one scenario that I will say to pay down your primary residence's mortgage. 

If you have rental properties and they generate steady rental income gain year over year, then you might want to think about using the equity in your rental properties to upgrade your primary residence or pay down the mortgage on your primary residence. This way, your rental gain will be lower or gone, so does the tax。  In the meantime, you are cumulating more equity in your primary residence.  In the future, if you can use the money to buy more rental properties, you can do a cash-out refinance on your primary residence with a better rate.  If you use the money to upgrade your primary residence, that will increase the value of the property, the current tax code treats your primary residence gain favorably upon selling the property.

Remember, never use your equity in primary residence or rental properties to gamble in the stock market since you are trading your low risk money to put into high risk market.

hhtt 发表评论于
回复 'Sanjose123' 的评论 : 谢谢来访。希望我讲的对你有帮助。
Sanjose123 发表评论于
谢谢您的热心分享! 我是苦于贷不出。

看到大佬们利用“滚”房滚的顺手, 我也真想着学着。问题是出在从投资房拿不出现金。 自2006,2008,2009以来买了几栋投资房,因拿不出现金,这几年以来,我就把这几个投资房按揭都付清了。我赚到了2008-2009 市场刚跌下来时的红利,2013年最低时拿不到loan。 被告知加州每人只可以贷四个loan。说我已满额了, 而只能眼红看着了到现在。

hhtt 发表评论于
回复 '茉莉花粉' 的评论 : 谢谢来访。要看你用这贷款做什么用?买投资房?可以用Refi,把多余的钱从自住房里贷出来。如果还没有投资目标,可以做HELOC,HELOC的好处是用时,付利息,不用就不付。
茉莉花粉 发表评论于
回复 'hhtt' 的评论 : 多年潜水, 读了您每篇投资理财文章,受益非浅。感谢科普。如果乘利率低,从自住房貸款,是贷HELOC吗?non-fixed rate低, 但隨prime rate 变, 有什么建议吗?谢谢.
hhtt 发表评论于
回复 'Shanghaigirl98' 的评论 : 谢谢上海美美,现在这么低的房贷利率,真是美国政府送给地主的福利,这种情况不会一直持续下去,地主们应该利用现在,30年房贷3%利率,把钱贷出来。
Shanghaigirl98 发表评论于
你说的以房养房是真理。讲真我们rental property 也的确很steady N years,老早就想payoff the mortgage.
hhtt 发表评论于
回复 'unipeak99' 的评论 : 谢谢来访。希望能对你有帮助。
unipeak99 发表评论于
thanks for sharing!