
难得糊涂。望能帮助大家解答投资理财的问题。使大家在投资理财的过程中, 不马马虎虎以及不糊糊涂涂被人忽悠, 尽快实现财务自由。
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If you are looking for a stock price for a particular date, internet will be a place or your local main libruary.  Get the access of historical copies of Wall Street Journal through the libruary database, or some other publication, like Inverstor's Business Daily, or more listed below.

Daily Stock Price Record published by Standard & Poor's is available in bound volumes at the main Library. It contains daily price information:
New York Stock Exchange - 1961 to the present
American Stock Exchange - 1962 to the present
NASDAQ (formerly Over-the-Counter) - 1968 to the present
Wall Street Journal on microfilm back to July 1889
National Stock Summary, 1971 to present, is good source for thinly traded and smaller public companies.
