川普没完没了道:“现在是罗伯特 E ·李,之后是杰克逊。谁是下一个,开国元勋华盛顿,宪法之父杰斐逊?”最近拆除对奴隶制叛乱在美国南北战争中失败的领导人的雕像的活动确实有争议。而且,局势恶化,成了全国种族紧张局势的最新导火索。尽管法律程序没有错,但是民意调查显示占美国人口64%的人反对把那些散布在旧邦联各州的雕像移走。看来川普也不是全错,世界确实有些混沌,美国实在有些糟糕。站在哪一派都不好,中立最好,但是中立也有人反对!连总统女儿嫁给犹太人也是白人至上者的批评理由。
Trump presidential campaign and Trump short term (6 months) presidency has already aroused and is still arousing tremendous hatred among thousands and thousands young Americans.
This hatred is toxic fruit of stupidity, and shall turn into cruelty sooner or later. More hideously, the number of young Americans with frenzy hatred is growing exponentially.
By vehemently labeling media revelations as "fake news", Trump has successfully deafened and stupefied his followers. He has already deprived millions of Americans of capability in "冷静的,自己的思考". Therefore, more and more Americans will "因为一个人的号召而一呼百应,不顾一切".
Although Trump is being stymied in administrative power, his ability to sow hatred and stupidity has never been weakened. More and more white young Americans will break silence, become frenzy and emerge around you. At most one year later, you certainly will realize and regret how wrong you are today.
1. Albert Einstein had summarized:"Both universe an human stupidity are infinite."
2. Both history and reality have witnessed that the infinite human stupidity often, if not always, generates or turns into infinite cruelty. This is the nature of human being, regardless of race, nationality, country or government type.
3. 美国历史上,曾有过为抢夺土地,种族灭绝和驱赶数百万印第安人的血腥,也有二百年对待黑人如牲畜的残酷,更有为永久保有罪恶奴隶制度不惜分裂国家,导致近百万人丧生的厮杀,还有 Wild West 的百年混乱和人性泯灭,不一而足。