William Wilberforce, a member of the House of Commons as an independent, became intricately involved in the abolition of the slave trade in Britain. His conversion to Evangelical Christianity in 1784 played a key role in interesting him in this social reform.[37] William Wilberforce's Slave Trade Act 1807abolished the slave trade in the British Empire. It was not until the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 that the institution finally was abolished, but on a gradual basis. Since land owners in the British West Indies were losing their unpaid labourers, they received compensation totaling £20 million.[38]
"The sticking point was, in Mandela’s case, ideological. In the mid-'80s, as activists in South Africa and around the world began to agitate in earnest for Mandela’s release, the Reagan administration still saw communism as one of its primary enemies -- and defeating communism as one of its foremost foreign policy goals. That complicated the administration’s take on South Africa"
这篇写的不错。阿留兄也慢慢追踪到了英国。近几百年来的很多事情,要是寻根探底的话,都会寻到英国。英国的处理方法和手段,英国对世界的理解,英国的信念。至少到目前为止,英国仍然是我们这个世界的领路人。美国还做不到完全继承英国的文化精神。这是我想说的一。 二,阿留兄关注钱,就对路了。钱能解决的,就不需要用暴力嘛。问题是谁愿意出钱?为什么要为别人掏自己口袋?人类历史从来就是当权者占住分配的大头,用暴力遏制反抗,直到死在暴力之下。为什么不在当初分出一部分钱来解决底层的怒气从而长久地享受“来钱”的好处?因为贪婪和愚妄!从来如此,一直如此的,直到今天,还是如此。 但是在英格兰,那个人类社会的边缘地区,居然16世纪以来发展出一套“不太如此”的制度,当权者愿意拿钱出来平衡,这是人类历史上第一次。为什么? 为别人掏自己的钱,不傻逼吗?答案在哪里?看看William Wilberforce就明白了,他为反对奴隶制奋斗了一生,奴隶制不奴隶制管他什么事?好歹他亲戚朋友又没人当奴隶。“His conversion to Evangelical Christianity in 1784 played a key role in interesting him in this social reform”。基督信仰就是答案。心中有爱,才肯掏钱。