原来的贴子配有插图,表现大地之美、天空之美,弘扬热爱大自然,保护人类家园的理念(特别感谢青年摄影爱好者易琳,下面的摄影作品均来自他的网页:http://photography.yareally.net)。这些插图让我意识到,席琳唱的“the power of love”,并非仅局限于儿女情长。这也是为什么,当译到“I’m your lady, and you’re my man”时,将其引申为“我是你的大地,你是我的天空”。这是引起争议的地方之一。
争议的第二点是,有回帖建议,不要咬文嚼字,把一首流行歌曲,译得那么别扭、生硬。有人建议采用徐志摩的风格直译,读起来会更自然。就像那句“I’m your lady, and you’re my man”,用大众化的语言,直译成“我是你的老婆,你是我的老公”之类,读起来更通俗、自然。
争议最大的是歌名,The Power of Love。大多数回帖认为,译成“爱的大能”、“爱的力量”等,就很合适。我也考虑过这样译,为了押韵,搜肠刮肚,不得已,译成“爱之功”。从能量守恒角度而言,能与功,可以相互转换。这里扯到物理概念,也许十分牵强。

The whispers in the morning(呓语晨曦里)
Of lovers sleeping tight(爱侣睡梦中)
Are rolling by like thunder now(似有春雷隐隐翻滚)
As I look in your eyes(当我看着你的双瞳)
Of lovers sleeping tight(爱侣睡梦中)
Are rolling by like thunder now(似有春雷隐隐翻滚)
As I look in your eyes(当我看着你的双瞳)
I hold on to your body(把你揽在怀中)
And feel each move you make(感觉你每一次的冲动)
Your voice is warm and tender(你的声音温暖而又轻柔)
A love that I could not forsake(你的爱,让我情有独钟)
And feel each move you make(感觉你每一次的冲动)
Your voice is warm and tender(你的声音温暖而又轻柔)
A love that I could not forsake(你的爱,让我情有独钟)
'Cause I am your lady(因为,我是你的大地)
And you are my man(你是我的天空)
Whenever you reach for me(无论何时,当你走近)
I'll do all that I can(我愿竭力为你所用)

And you are my man(你是我的天空)
Whenever you reach for me(无论何时,当你走近)
I'll do all that I can(我愿竭力为你所用)

Lost is how I'm feeling(躺在你臂弯)
Lying in your arms(迷茫在梦中)
When the world outside's too much to take(外面的世界有太多的诱惑)
That all ends when I'm with you(有你相守,我便不为所动)
When the world outside's too much to take(外面的世界有太多的诱惑)
That all ends when I'm with you(有你相守,我便不为所动)
Even though there may be times(多少次,我虽然远走)
It seems I'm far away(似乎飘移在风中)
(But) never wonder where I am(我的心却从未傍徨)
'Cause I am always by your side(与你相伴,是我不变的初衷)
It seems I'm far away(似乎飘移在风中)
(But) never wonder where I am(我的心却从未傍徨)
'Cause I am always by your side(与你相伴,是我不变的初衷)
'Cause I am your lady(因为,我是你的大地)
And you are my man(你是我的天空)
Whenever you reach for me(无论何时,当你走近)
I'll do all that I can(我愿竭力为你所用)
And you are my man(你是我的天空)
Whenever you reach for me(无论何时,当你走近)
I'll do all that I can(我愿竭力为你所用)

We're heading for something(我们携手去远方)
Somewhere around I've never been(上下求索在苍穹)
Sometimes I am frightened(也曾有过畏惧)
But I'm ready to learn(但我意已决,心已动)
('Bout) of the power of love(一路修行爱之功)
Somewhere around I've never been(上下求索在苍穹)
Sometimes I am frightened(也曾有过畏惧)
But I'm ready to learn(但我意已决,心已动)
('Bout) of the power of love(一路修行爱之功)
The sound of your heart beating(你用心声在召唤)
Made it clear suddenly(骤然间,让我猛醒)
The feeling that I can’t go on(让我把半途而废的迷幻)
Is light-years away(抛在遥远的太空)
'Cause I am your lady(因为,我是你的大地)
And you are my man(你是我的天空)
Whenever you reach for me(无论何时,当你走近)
I'll do all that I can(我愿竭力为你所用)
And you are my man(你是我的天空)
Whenever you reach for me(无论何时,当你走近)
I'll do all that I can(我愿竭力为你所用)
