周日,我心不在焉地打开,发现这厚如教科书,重如砖头的杂志有774页,是纪念Vogue杂志125周年的专刊,里面大量充斥的自然是广告(广告估计就占了600页了),铺天盖地的美女(基本没有男士的,偶尔有,也是配角), 年轻貌美,身材高挑,穿着各种漂亮时髦,或是稀奇古怪的衣服,透明半透明,裸露半裸露地,摆着各种性感不性感的姿势,搔首弄姿,让人不禁感慨这服装世界如此绚烂。服装该是为女人而存在的。
我想我和她们是生活在不同世界里的。一直以为,这些人妖艳、胭脂粉味太浓,有时候的着装光怪陆离,跟我这个土的掉渣的中年大妈格格不入。记得那日,我是带着几分新奇又有几分不屑,悠然坐在庭院里,在秋日微风中,翻着这带香水味的杂志,倒也觉得几分微熏。当我真正耐下心来,读起其中的文字时,禁不住为其和服装一样精美的文字叫好。想想不足为奇的,有钱嘛,总能请到一等一的专业写手为她们润稿写传的。文章有国际名模分享她如何克服心理,面对镜头,拍出最美的自己的体会,有名牌鞋子设计师如何希望自己的美鞋能被普通人穿上的感慨 ( I'd like to see ordinary people wearing things that are beautiful. ), 还有如何利用一根98美分一尺的丝带给秀发添美的短文,这些文字里有着真实,真诚,让我走进这些名人的世界,也同时被感动了一番。
这本厚厚的杂志我只翻阅了四分之一,它除了在给我视觉上的享受之外,也给了我小小的思考。世界上任何东西的存在都是有它的合理性,更别提时装这么popular的东西。我自己可以不逐流,不追求时尚或名牌,但是不能自视清高,抽离这个世界,重要的是任何时候要being open- minded, 了解新事物,与时俱进,这样才不至于被汹涌向前的时代所淘汰,这样才不会置身于精彩纷呈的世界之外,而无缘于它的美和多姿多彩。
Ever since we redeemed the flight mileage points in January, we are inundated by daily newspaper and monthly magazines. While majority of newspaper was read half or less than half, magazines were barely touched. I stacked them at the bottom of the book shelves, seeing them collecting dust, and wishing that one day I will have time to read them. The newly arrived September edition of Vogue almost has the same fate. But somehow it caught my attention when I tried to pick it up, a magazine as thick as a textbook and as heavy as a brick. Standing out on the front cover are five bold golden letters, and a cover girl in golden dress taking the place of the middle letter G. It turns out that the edition is a special one for celebrating its 125th anniversary.
The 774 pages magazine abounds with pages after pages of advertisements, from top luxury brands to household affordable brands, such as Channel, Gucci, Hermes, Fendi, Calvin Klein … you name it. As I leafed through the perfume scented pages, gazing at the exquisite young faces and sexy postures of the world models, I felt like walking into a different world, a world that is above me, a world that I once despised to be snobbish, vanity and material that I’d like to shut myself out of it without even laying eyes on. But isn’t it an eye opener to look at something beautiful and luxurious, even though it is beyond my affordability?
It is not just that. Had I stopped at the pictures, I would have never got a chance to read the beautifully written essays about how the celebrity grew up from nobody to somebody, their inner feelings, sentiment, or journey of becoming an iconic image. Topic such as “Always on My Mind” made me ask myself “what is always on my mind”. Book excerpt of “Sands of Time” reminds me that time only has one direction--forward. Maybe one day our memory will bizarrely selective about what adheres and what falls away, at least we can choose now to live a life more vibrant, lively and multicolored. We don’t have to follow the suit, but at the same time it is not wise to keep ourselves aloof from the kaleidoscopic world that is dazzling and on a constant move.
Fashion changes. Trends come and go. While it is something, like simplicity, that stood the test of time that we shall be seeking after in the end, it is not a bad idea to keep ourselves abreast with the ever changing world.