是川普总统发明,说是“在新纳粹和反纳粹游行行列中各有大量好人”(there are fine people on both sides)。 文学城中也有心领神会的川粉立即回应“那么,在示威抗议者中是否有真正的,认为白人比其他人种优越的白人至上主义者、种族主义者、纳粹主义者呢?当然有!哪个族裔没有败类呢”。好像是正直的右派游行混进去个把新纳粹瘪三。 我知道这次白人至上的游行喊出大量种族主义口号,比如“Jews won’t replace us” “one people, one nation, end immigration”,但是毕竟没有亲身经历,不知道为什么那么多“好人”莫名其妙卷入了种族主义游行。不过英语有句俗话“鱼烂先烂头”(The fish rots from the head)。我从维基上找出了这次Unite the Right大游行的组织者如下:
Among the far-right groups engaged in organizing the march were the clubs of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer,[20] The Right Stuff,[21] the National Policy Institute,[22] and four groups that form the Nationalist Front:[19] the neo-Confederate League of the South,[19] the Traditionalist Workers Party,[23] Vanguard America,[23] and the National Socialist Movement.[19] Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan,[4] the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights,[23] the 3 Percenters,[7] Identity Evropa,[2] the Oath Keepers,[24] the American Guard,[25] the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia,[26] the New York Light Foot Militia,[27] the Virginia Minutemen Militia,[28] the Detroit Right Wings,[29] the Rise Above Movement,[30] True Cascadia,[31] and Anti-Communist Action.[25] Prominent far-right figures in attendance included National Policy Institute Chairman Richard Spencer,[32] entertainer Baked Alaska,[32] former Libertarian Party candidate Augustus Invictus,[33] former Klan Imperial Wizard David Duke,[34] Identity Evropa leader Nathan Damigo,[35] Traditionalist Youth Network CEO Matthew Heimbach,[32] Rebel Media journalist Faith Goldy,[36] Right Stuff founder Mike Enoch,[32] League of the South founder Michael Hill,[30] Red Ice host Henrik Palmgren,[37] Right Side Broadcasting Network host Nicholas Fuentes,[38] YouTube personality James Allsup,[38] AltRight.com editor Daniel Friberg,[39] former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson,[40] Right Stuff blogger Johnny Monoxide,[41] Daily Stormer writer Robert "Azzmador" Ray,[42] Daily Caller contributor and rally organizer Jason Kessler,[43] and Radical Agenda host Christopher Cantwell.[44][45]。根据介绍,这些都是如假包换的新纳粹KKK白人之上组织。有趣的是,有一个极右的组织Proud Boys本来也收到了邀请,但是苦于看到本次游行的新纳粹色彩太浓过于臭名昭著,实在没脸参加而拒绝了。这些种族主义分子打着火把高呼排外口号全副武装在校园里招摇过市恐吓妇孺,让我不禁纳闷,什么样的“very fine people”会参加这样的游行?就好像一个人死了,心脏停止跳动了,脑电图一条直线了,你非要强辩,真的死了吗?尸体里还有好多细胞还活着呢。这是一种诡辩。
在政界,温和的前共和党总统候选人Mitt Romney表态:“不,两者不同。一边是种族主义和新纳粹。另一边是反对种族主义新纳粹的。”(No, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes.)。
温和的现任共和党资深参议员Bob Corker,“川普不理解这个国家的品行”(Trump also recently has not demonstrated that he understands the character of this nation)。
中右的共和党参议员Marco Rubio,“(白人至上组织)要为挑事造成的暴力负100%的责任( The organizers of events which inspired & led to [Charlottesville terror attack] are 100% to blame for a number of reasons)。
算是极右的Ted Cruz: 我敦促司法部立即调查和惩处这一起本土恐怖主义的行为(I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism)