Published on Mar 25, 2013
The long out of print Richard Chamberlain version of Dumas's classic. Probably the best version ever filmed.
MarshalNey133 years ago
I always hated Mercedes at the end. She had to act all self-righteous and emo. She lived a life of luxury with a dishonest, fraud of a husband and she has the nerve to criticize Edmond for cleaning out the trash? He can do better, it's Paris after all..
When I see how the Count exacts his revenge on Villefort, Danglars & Cadderouse, I think of that old Klingon proverb "Revenge is a dish best served cold".
ITC Productions
ITC Productions

I myself prefer the 2002 Count Of Monte Cristo, with James Caviezel.

You must see the version with Jim Caviezel. There is no comparison. Jim captures the innocence of Dantes as a young man and then changes to an adult out for revenge. He is a superb actor. I love this movie. I always liked the Robert Donat version until I saw the one with Jim Caviezel and the other actors in the cast. They were all great. I loved it!!!!
Revenge is good thing to live or die for - which's your choice?
Revenge is good thing to live or die for - which's your choice?