【人工授精简史 Artificial Insemination In Humans -- 兼论 毛新宇的正常孕育和出生】


人工授精 AI 成功导致一个婴儿诞生并成长

发生在1884年, 美国费城。这是人类历史上的第一次(竞管干的甚为荒唐)

英国,美国,苏联等国的医科学家 为先驱。

成为一项比较成功的技术 发生于 1970年末期



中国医学界 采用此技术 比较晚, 到了1980年代后期。

 生于 1970年的 毛新宇 不可能是 人工授精的婴儿

更不可能是 试管婴儿的孩子。


人工授精 AI 成功导致一个婴儿诞生并成长


人工授精 AI 成功导致一个婴儿诞生并成长


人工授精 AI 成功导致一个婴儿诞生并成长


人工授精 AI 成功导致一个婴儿诞生并成长


人工授精 AI 成功导致一个婴儿诞生并成长


人工授精 AI 成功导致一个婴儿诞生并成长





Artificial Insemination In Humans

1,The first recorded experiment with artificial insemination in humans occurred in 1799, when Scottish-born surgeon John Hunter impregnated a women with her husband’s sperm, resulting in a successful pregnancy.

2,In 1884 American physician William Pancoast  performed a modified artificial insemination procedure when he injected sperm from a donor into a woman who was under anesthesia. The woman, who was married, gave birth to a baby nine months later and did not know that she had been impregnated with donor sperm. Her husband, whom Pancoast determined was infertile, later found out about the procedure from Pancoast.


3,The first physician to take a systematic approach to human artificial insemination was the controversial 19th-century surgeon J. Marion Sims of North Carolina. Although he founded the Women’s Hospital in New York, the first establishment devoted solely to women’s health, he’s also known for more troubling activities: Many of his notable medial contributions were a result of research he conducted on slaves without his subjects’ consent. The Women’s Hospital opened in 1855, and during its first several years in operation, Sims performed 55 artificial-insemination procedures on six different women; only one resulted in a pregnancy, and it ended in a miscarriage.

4,the first artificial insemination to result in a live birth, performed by the Philadelphia physician William Pancoast, of the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia,didn’t happen until a few decades after Sims’ attempts. In 1884, one of Pancoast’s patients, a 31-year-old woman, came to see him at Sansom Street Hospital about her inability to conceive.  her husband’s low sperm count. Her husband, a 41-year-old wealthy merchant from Philadelphia.



This unnamed woman delivered a healthy baby boy nine months later. Presumably, all were ecstatic. The only problem was that Dr. Pancoast never actually informed her about what he did to her on the table that fateful day. Whether it was to spare her the embarrassment of her husband’s sterility, or whether it was simply to see if he could do it at all, Dr. Pancoast’s experiment remained a secret success for 25 years.

It was only after Dr. Pancoast died — a quarter-century after the successful insemination of his presumably pleased patient — that the truth became known. In 1909, one of the students present that day, the suggestively named and incredibly handsome Dr. Addison Davis Hard, fessed up and published a letter in the journal Medical World containing all the dirty details. It is interesting to note that Dr. Pancoast did actually inform the woman’s husband of what he had done, and that they had decided together to spare her the truth. In addition, before the letter was published, Dr. Hard took it upon himself to tell the by-then all-grown-up baby boy as well. Hopefully, his mother was not a subscriber of Medical World in her old age.

Of 711 physicians likely to perform artificial insemination by donor surveyed to determine their current practices, 471 responded, of whom 379 reported that they performed this procedure. They accounted for approximately 3576 births by this means in 1977. In addition to treating infertility, 26 per cent of these physicians used the procedure to prevent transmission of a genetic disease, and 10 per cent used if for single women. Donors of semen were primarily from universities, were only superficially screened for genetic diseases, and were then matched phenotypically to the recipient’s husband. Most recipients were inseminated twice per cycle. Only 17 per cent of physicians used the same donor for a given recipient, and 32 per cent used multiple donors within a single cycle. Only 37 percent kept records on children, and only 30 per cent on donors. The identity of donors usually was carefully guarded to ensure privacy and to avoid legal complications.

The Office of Technology Assessment made visits to 3 sperm banks and 10 in vitro fertilization clinics.

A total of 1,558 questionnaires were completed and returned by the sampled physicians (a response rate of 61 percent), which included 37 physicians in the cross-sectional sample and 385 fertility society physicians regularly doing artificial insemination, i.e., seeing four or more insemination patients per year. An amended survey form was also sent to 30 U.S. commercial sperm banks identified by the American Association of Tissue Banks (MTB) and the American Fertility Society (AFS), and 15 of those forms were returned. The survey estimates that 172,000 women underwent artificial insemination in 1986-87, at an average cost of $953, resulting in 35,000 births from artificial insemination by husband (AIH), and 30,000 births from artificial insemination by donor (AID).


In the 1980s, direct intraperitoneal insemination (DIPI) was occasionally used, where doctors injected sperm into the lower abdomen through a surgical hole or incision, with the intention of letting them find the oocyte at the ovary or after entering the genital tract through the ostium of the fallopian tube.


人工授精 与 试管婴儿 不同。


1978年7月25日,全世界第一位試管嬰兒路易絲·布朗英國誕生。First baby born from IVF (Louise Brown, in England).
1981: First IVF baby born in the United States (Elizabeth Jordan Carr).

