Her eyes calm you down like ocean deep

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Her eyes calm you down like ocean deep   

Another such, Ingrid Bergman

The home was built in 1935 by Kelly's father, John B. Kelly. USA TODAY


This is the year for remembering lost princesses, and Diana isn't the only one beloved by Americans.

Grace Kelly, the Philadelphia-born Hollywood princess-turned-actual-royal — Her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco — died after a shocking car wreck 35 years ago in September.

Her 1950s-Hollywood era, when she filled screens with her luminous beauty, won an Oscar for her acting and drew millions of worshipful fans around the world, is long gone. But her legacy lives on in her descendants and in the arts foundation they and her Hollywood friends created to honor her and to support emerging artists.

Whatever would she think of Hollywood today? In so many respects, she embodied her name, and these days, with the entertainment industry in turmoil over a coarse sex abuse scandal involving movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood could use a little more grace and Grace.
