This was a beautiful film and people story. I got some very different messages than the ones I can read here since I do not speak any form of Chinese dialect. I thought this film clearly pointed out the numerous human reactions and behaviors that make humans tick and why? Power, Greed, Sex, various forms of materialism becoming far too engrossed in the personal psyche ! XUI XUI was completely mind effed by the system, just as many are today although in a different system paradigm and totally different dynamics. She destroyed herself for a political system and how many times have we all seen this happen every where one looks ? The control freaks of government are everywhere ! Also to put this film in better perspective, the Cultural Revolution was winding down by 1975 and the many atrocoties and incredibly horrendous and heavy handed acts of the purge prior to this time frame in the 60s was much more severe than this film reveals. I thought the film was brilliant and very emotionally and intellectually moving on many levels. It gets a 10 from me for numerous reasons. I will use this as an example going forward. Excellent ! I love good people stories and this was a great one, right up there with Platoon and Forrest Gump. Platoon was not a war story really, but a documentary of how people reacted to extreme stimuli and we will see more of such ! The comments here about men is a bit ridiculous, ignorant and far short of what the film was actually about. But we see a lot of PC these days everywhere we look and misguided people ?
俗话说:苍蝇不叮无缝的蛋,在一个动乱的失序年代,不管是谁,如果无人保护自己时,就要确保自己不要成为有缝的蛋,让苍蝇闻风而至,害了自己。 那些伤害过秀秀的男人固然丑陋、可恨,但文秀自身的天真、识人不明,一厢情愿爱上一个只贪图她身体的男人,而又有求于他,这是整个悲剧事件的起点。一个坏男人得手后,其它的坏男人就闻风而至,而秀秀在即无法辨别对方身份 又无法确认对方能力的前提下,开始用身体交换自己回城的需求......文秀的一生可怜又可叹!一个失序的社会太可怕,真庆幸那个时代已成为历史,希望以史为鉴,类似的时代悲剧不再重演!
Published on Mar 31, 2013
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Steve Baze2 years ago