昨天是本年度诺贝尔奖的最后一项:经济学奖只授予一位经济学家,那便是芝加哥大学的Richard Thaler教授。芝加哥的建筑学派可能比较分散,芝加哥的经济学派则专指芝加哥大学。Richard Thaler还不是超级名牌大学毕业的,应该说他的文凭来自不错的学校:本科,Case Western Reserve;PhD,U Rochester 。诺贝尔奖得主朱棣文当年不能像哥哥那样读东部的父母眼中的名牌, 只有去Rochester,然后在伯克利得博士。
因为芝大盛产诺贝尔经济学奖,以至于一位芝大教授的夫人,在离婚协议书上要求分得部分她丈夫未来的诺贝尔奖金,这位夫人的预见还真实现了。这是个真实的故事,具体描述可见此报道:“Perhaps nobody has been as pragmatic about the Nobel as the ex-wife of Chicago economist Robert Lucas Jr. In her divorce settlement, Rita Lucas demanded a stipulation that if her husband won the Nobel within seven years, she would get half of the money. In 1995, with less than a year to go in the agreement, Rita Lucas collected."。
So what?
what is you point?
Your point is: USA will be #1 forever?
Or: USA will be same as 罗马帝国, will be disappeared sooner or later?
czhz 发表评论于
回复 '雅美之途' 的评论 : Sanger是否参与创办JMB不清楚,Not surprised if he did, 但NMB被认为是Brenner的杂志。
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : 回复 'czhz' 的评论 : 我是根据评委意见书找关键文章的,这个奖是授予冰冻电镜,那23虽为Nature 但是普通电镜,评委评语也与31不可比拟,请看这里摘自诺贝尔委员会的评语:““Using these data they obtained a 3D map of bacteriorhodopsin, which revealed the general architecture of the protein, but still at a rather low resolution (23).
The year 1990 marked a critical milestone when Henderson and colleagues (31) showed for the first time that it is possible to obtain high-resolution structures of biomolecules using cryo-EM through averaging over many copies of the same object (Fig. 2). ”
为什么不标引文23的Nature paper? This was one of the most important paper.