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A letter to the people living in the Land of Free


The Land of the Free has no Place for Foreign Criminals!We shall save America and Lady Liberty from dirty hands!


Liberty has been an essential part of American spirit since her founding fathers made the Declaration of Independence in 1776. We shed blood of our countrymen in the civil war and our enemies to win the two World Wars only to defend for it. America is the great beacon of liberty enlightening the world like the Statue of Liberty in Ellis Island.

早在1776年美国建国先贤在费城写下《独立宣言》,自由便是美国的国魂所在。我们曾为捍卫自由在南北战争中兄弟相残,在两次世界大战中悲痛喋血。今天的美国,就如纽约港畔的手持火炬的自由女神像Liberty Enlightening the World,灯塔一般“自由照耀世界”。

However, Lady Liberty is suffering. A criminal put his dirty hands under her skirt, which has challenged our bottom line. Miles Kowk( Guo Wengui in Chinese) is a Chinese fugitive who is on the red notice list of Interpol and committed multiple crimes such as defrauding, raping, bribing high ranking government officials. He continues to trample on law by bribing government officials, wiretapping politicians, abusing his female subordinates and insulting the victims when he lives an exile life in America.


Our government has not arrested him or driven him out of our country in accordance with the law, which is totally not accepted by American citizens. Moreover, there are government departments and officials attempting to shelter him and some of our media institutes published stories in his favor instead of exposing his crimes. Even though it is said that our Chosen President Trump ordered to drive him away, the former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson intended to help Mr.Kwok stay in America only for his good but Kwok exposed the sound record of their conversation online, which made him frustrated.


Why do some people have to violate our liberty spirit and the will of President Trump by keeping a criminal in America? The media told me that the criminal claimed he possessed a great amount of materials making our arch enemy China suffer and evidences pointing to corrupted Chinese officials. But when I asked one of my friends working for FBI the significance of the so-called inside story from that Chinaman, he laughed: “Everybody knows what that China guy is talking about is bullshit. Nothing from his statements is verified and there is nothing serious at all. We only use him to humiliate China.”


Good Heavens! Our law enforcement departments keep their eyes closed on the crimes committed in our land and ignore President Trump’s instruction only to humiliate our rival. America will lose her sprite if we indulge in pleasures from our enemy’s humiliation and disregard rule of law and liberty. We must make that crooked man pay in the name of law and our founding fathers shall rest in peace at last. As a result, America will be a better place. The land of the free will be free from rigged politics when he is driven out of our country only if he cannot be put behind bars.


We shall save America and Lady Liberty from dirty hands!


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