再深挖一下,当初老川本来准备把VP的位子给胖州长Christie留着,据内线说胖子都快给老川下跪了,才换来老川的首肯(Christie contacted Trump and made his final, impassioned -appeal on July 12. “Christie said he thinks he deserves VP and he earned it,” a second Trump source said. Convinced, Trump made the -offer. Christie “said all the BS that Trump likes to hear, and Trump said, ‘Yeah, sure I’m giving it to you.’”)。结果,马纳福强行推荐了Pence,把胖州的美梦给搅黄了(That didn’t sit well with Manafort, who had arranged for Trump to meet Pence in Indianapolis on July 13, and fly back together to New York the next day for a formal announcement)。马纳福有问题,副总统Pence跟他是一条线上的。
写到这肯定有人说我扯蛋,别急,我其他的证据比这条马纳福这条孤证还要过硬的多。首先,谁是老川阵营里最忠心的人?就是白人国家主义者班农,他说老川面临的最大危险是宪法第25修正案(former chief strategist Steve Bannon told Trump that the risk to his presidency wasn't impeachment, but the 25th Amendment -- the provision by which a majority of the Cabinet can vote to remove the president)。这条规定,如果总统精神有问题不能视事,只要副总统内领着内阁多数同意,就可以罢免总统,自己取而代之。看来班农一方面担心川统是深井冰,另一方面也对副总统忠诚度有怀疑,他的看法不可不听。
另一个证据,就是川本来意属的VP候选人胖州Christie, 其实是一个忠心耿耿有远见之明之人。比如,胖州曾力劝老川不要重用福临(Chris Christie: I warned Trump about Flynn)。这个福临,也就是那个才当了20天就被开除,给咱们川桶一个开门黑的短命国安顾问。把胖州这样忠臣换成Pence这儿卧底,马纳福真是用心险恶啊。既然提到福临,这也是一个民主党埋下的钉子,这个比较容易,只要查一查维基就真相大白了:Flynn is a registered Democrat, having grown up in a "very strong Democratic family",还用多说吗?
再看上线,是谁把马纳福的介绍给老川的?这个人恐怕也有嫌疑。这个人名叫罗杰私通(Roger Stone, a former adviser and longtime friend of President Donald Trump, played a pivotal role in getting former campaign chairman Paul Manafort a job, three former Trump campaign officials told The Daily Beast),和老川40年的交情。看来deep state提早四十年就在川普身边埋下钉子了,够黑的。
有人说,川捅的竞选主席是敌人卧底,而他还能在大选中胜出,那真是命大!其实,当时的局势比人们想的还凶险,还记得马纳福的前任,川普首任竞选经理,Corey Lewandowski,简称陆文的吗?这个人也是希拉里卧底。因为,就在几天前,陆文在电视台表面上攻击希拉里("The speculation is so insane right now," he said. "What we should be focusing on are the continued lies of the Clinton administration, the continued fallacies that they perpetuate),结果失口把“Clinton Administration”给说出来了,看来在陆文的心目里一直是Madam President,这是个隐藏很深的叛徒。
既然身边人都是奸细卧底,谁是老川的盟友呢?说出来你也许都不信,就是让川粉朋友们钢牙磋碎的特别检查官穆勒。首先,现在他的调查把马纳福这个卧底给抓起来了,还一下子揪出民主党这一长串打入老川阵营的奸细,这还不是奇功一件?另外,是文城名川粉一叔半年前就誓言丹丹说特别检察官是老川亲自任命的,考虑到一叔是文城川粉里智商最高的,这算另一条证据。最后,穆勒过去上班的律师楼,川女儿女婿都是客户(Trump's daughter Ivanka and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, are all clients of WilmerHale, the firm Mueller is leaving to assume the position of special prosecutor overseeing the high-profile Russia election probe)。所以穆勒必是老川的人,川粉可以睡个好觉了。
外人没有能信的过的,只有自家人最忠心,也最懂生意经。就在穆勒发签拿人之后的一个小时,老川儿子Eric就给支持者群发email开始要钱了(Only an hour after former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was indicted on conspiracy against the U.S., money laundering and other charges on Monday morning, President Donald Trump’s son sent out a campaign fundraising email asking for contributions)。把形势说的十分紧急:每天都有新的造反(“There’s new opposition against my father and this Administration every day. The mainstream media continues to play politics, creating division and turning the American people against one another,” the email starts off, then states in italics, “But as a loyal supporter of our movement, I know you know the truth”)。
筹那么多钱干啥,难道是资助穆勒调查?马纳福的被捕,让川最重要的一个竞选诺言lock her up已经实现,虽然是“他”而不是“她”。Anyway, 支持穆勒调查到底,不管是敲响谁的警钟,都要把更多沼泽里的污泥送入监狱!
我提起这部电影,是用来反驳一叔说的美德与能力不能兼备。海军飞行员的爱情故事确实老套,作为电影没有创意。一个军官对一个姑娘始乱终弃,算不得绅士,这是电影的主题。这部电影显示了美国社会的一些基本道德观。川普总统的许多言行低过许多美国人的底线。虽然不是众所周知的经典,但片名本身An officer and a Gentleman就说明了职位和道德标准的关系吧?
关于An officer and An Gentleman这部电影,确实不会进入土豆的电影系列,因为土豆只提供真实案例。