What you wrote befits your ID '女流之辈' incapable of logical analysis. "您的英文我研读了若干遍仍不明就里" Well, you should heed the admonition of your idol cng and better your skill of being a docile "guest" of this great country. The first step is to improve your English comprehension skill by taking a community college English as a Second Language class.
nightrider 发表评论于
回复 'cng' 的评论 :
"Leave for God sake"? 黔驴穷其技,以泼妇骂街充数。
That is all you have left for your argument, parroting these racial (it is the Chinese American you have been talking about all along) epithet the likes of "go back to your country" and "go back to where you come from", isn't it? It is either some really pathetic last straw in your desperation for any comeback or a Freudian slip betraying your deep seated racial inferiority complex.
Apparently you have nothing to counter my argument except these irrelevance, self-contradiction and fulmination.
The only difference between a naturalized US citizen and born one is the qualification to be the President of the United States. How is that relevant to the duty of each citizen to support and defend the Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment that each of us, you yourself included, has sworn his allegiance to? Irrelevance of your argument aside, even on the point of qualifying for being President, you are contradicting yourself. You are talking about Chinese Americans, that include the native born Chinese Americans. Are you stripping their rights to qualify as the President, because they are born "guests"? If this is not blatant racism, what is? That really goes where with "leave for God's sake", doesn't it?
And "guests"? You are out of your senile mind. By what power do you have the gall to relegate some citizens to second class or third class? Let me remind you --- in case you have forgotten the lessons you learnt when you applied to become a citizen of this great country ---
once someone swore his allegiance to the CONSTITUTION --- capitalized in case you can see this solemn word ---- becomes a citizen, he is the rightful master of this great country. The President and other government officials are public servants serving at his, the master's, pleasure. Each citizen has the rightful duty to ensure the government and its officials toe the line of the Constitution!
回复 'nightrider' 的评论 : naturalized citizens do not enjoy exactly the same rights as naturally born citizens, e.g., we are not qualified for the President of the United States. Simply put, we are American by choice so just do no come to others' house as guest and eventually overturn their government. :) It is purely the common sense. If you "think" it is "tyranny" that cannot be changed via civil discourse, leave for God's sake.
nightrider 发表评论于
To make it even clearer, I excerpt here the oath you took up when you became a citizen of the United States of America, by choice, I hope, to remind you your duty of being a citizen of the United State of America: I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. You are not swearing to support and defend the government of the US, but the Constitution. Doing otherwise, is as you say, treasonous. Surely it is our duty to ensure the government is acting in accordance with, not against, the Constitution. The threat to overthrow tyranny with arms is one essential means to keep the government in line with the Constitution.
nightrider 发表评论于
回复 'cng' 的评论 :
Are you talking about Chinese American or Chinese in general, including the Chinese in China? Your article and comment are confusing.
Judging from your response, you are talking about Chinese American. OK, let's talk about Chinese American then. Your argument still does not stand. Have our ancestors and contemporaries, in China, not suffered from tyrannies enough, from the likes of Qing dynasty and the Chinese communist party? Tyranny is tyranny wherever it is. In fact, it is all the better when tyranny is somewhere else than where you are, and some time else than when you are, so you have the luck to study and observe the horror from afar and think of ways to prevent it from taking place here and now.
Being a US citizen by choice, is to choose and swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, the foundation of this union. In case you have not done your homework when taking up your citizenship and read the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution, I excerpt it here especially for you "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." In case you do not know what the word treason means, I will spell it out for you. Blatantly violating the Constitution is the very definition of treason.
Sure, most people abhor violence. There is unfortunately evil nonetheless in this world. There are people who think nothing of using violence. The Las Vegas massacre is a case in point. I do not think you are na?ve enough to think otherwise. There is always a tendency for government to overstep its bound. To make the union “more perfect” as you say, we need to use peaceful means. But all you have is toothless complaints and words, you are one weakling worthy of no respect. Peaceful means is a means only when it is backed up with credible threat of violence ensured by the possession of arms. Otherwise, the government will think nothing of trampling your rights and the Constitution will be but one toothless parchment. Indeed, “overturning ‘tyranny’by violence is the last thing you should even think of”. It will be the last resort, a credible and essential resort nonetheless.
Now, singling out the Chinese American citizens for divest them of the right conferred by the US Constitution because of some cockamamie excuse regarding their ancestry is by defintion 1) treasonous 2) racism.
回复 'nightrider' 的评论 : if you are naturalized citizen, you are an American by choice. You should first and foremost focus on making our Union more perfect by peaceful means. Overturning "tyranny" by violence is the last thing you should even think of. It is called treason.
cng 发表评论于
回复 'dong140' 的评论 : 谢谢阅读。
nightrider 发表评论于
"华人祖上没有奴隶主,跟着起哄拥枪反抗暴政,是属于被洗脑而不自知。" Are you serious? Are you saying slavery is the only source or cause of tyranny? The Qiang dynasty, the Chinese Communist Party are not examples enough? "被洗脑而不自知" You must be talking about yourself.
Sam大树 发表评论于
cng 发表评论于
回复 '看风景' 的评论 : 不认为希拉里和Bernie是“禁枪”的观点,第二修正案是客观存在的。但是不要忘记, well regulated militia。在所有宪法修正案里,第二修正案是唯一白纸黑字写出“regulation”的。所以对某些枪支进行部分限制,合理合法。
回复 'cnnbull' 的评论 : The Bushmaster XM-15[4] series (formerly styled as XM15[2]) is a line of AR-15-pattern semi-automatic rifles, carbines, and pistols manufactured by Bushmaster Firearms International
彩叶 发表评论于
cnnbull 发表评论于
DC sniper used an ar-15? do your own research 1st!