英文字典中,英国有老牌的牛津字典,美国则以Merriam-Webster出版的《韦氏字典》最有名。去年读过Between You and Me一书,作者Mary Norris是《纽约客》的资深文案编辑(copy editor),负责稿件的语法措辞格式规范等等。书中提及像《纽约客》这样的大牌文学杂志如何对文字精益求精,而《纽约客》的御用字典就是Merriam-Webster 1934年出版的Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition(简称Webster 2).
从小到大,中文的,英文的,中英对照的,专业的,各种字典见过不少,却从未停下来想过,字典是谁编写的,编写的过程又是怎样的。原来,那是既无法想象的无聊加痛苦,又难以描述的充满乐趣和满足,Kory Stamper, Merriam-Webster的词典编纂者(lexicographer), 这样告诉大家。她说编写字典是闷头跟自己较劲,有时恨不得死掉的过程;也是在滚滚奔流的字海里畅游,忘乎所以感激涕零的过程。在Word by Word -- the Secret Life of Dictionaries一书里,Kory Stamper狠狠地科普了一下(英文)字典的前世今生。
文字的神奇就在于,一但冲出瓶颈,便纳百川而滔滔不绝。英文在德文的基础上,吸取了拉丁文的语法,毫不手软地借用外来语汇,经过莎士比亚的锤炼后,随着大英帝国的开疆拓土传向世界。英文的发展促进了英文字典的诞生。从一开始,字典便被赋予了育人和传承文化的重任。一直到19世纪甚至20世纪初,优化纯化语言依然是许多字典编纂者的初心。因为那时教育尚未普及,一个人的谈吐直接反应了他的出身和阶级。要想成为人上人,必要先学习写作交流,而字典自然而然地成了阶梯。那时候,"good manners, good morality, and good grammar all go hand in hand." 也就是说,一个人的语法措辞已经上升到了道德标准的问题。字典的宣传更是因此大做文章。Webster的广告说, "A man who would know everything, or anything, as he ought, must own Webster's large dictionary. It is s great light, and he that will not avail himself of it must walk in darkness." 瞧瞧,没有韦氏字典,就是与无知为伍自甘堕落,怎能不买它?
一部精心修订的韦氏字典,词条定义既要信达雅,还要广博包容禁得起时间考验,真真饱含了lexicographer们的心血。他们力求字字句句有出处,定义一个词,可能要花费几天,几星期,甚至几个月的时间,简直有些匪夷所思。但人也会犯错误。1961年出版的Webster Third里fishstick一词的定义是"A stick of fish",里面对hotel一词的则解释如下:
" A building of many rooms chiefly for overnight accommodation of transients and several floors served by elevators, usually with a large open street-level lobby containing easy chairs, with a variety of compartments for eating, drinking, dancing, exhibitions, and group meetings (as of salesmen or convention attendants), with shops having both inside and street-side entrances and offering for sale items (as clothes, gifts, candy, theater tickets, travel tickets) of particular interest to a traveler, or providing personal services (as hairdressing, shoe shining), and with telephone booths, writing tables and washrooms freely available."
回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : Wow, you are seriously interested in the topic if you've read the Johnson biography already! I should read it too. Thanks for sharing!
diaoerlang 发表评论于
kongkong10 发表评论于
7grizzly 发表评论于
I love the topic and it's interesting to know the story behind AHD and Webster.
Your post made me want to go back to re-read "Life of Samuel Johnson."