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LEAVES   --- By Yvette Q. Xu ; Nov. 22nd, 2017, Vallejo, California

Spring is bright,

Spouts birth out from the branches,

Enjoy the touch from soft wind like mama's kiss,

Enjoy the sunbeam from the blue sky like daddy's arm,

Claim the youngest freshest life in the universe.

Summer is hot,

Full energy speeds you up to be a sound green leaf,

Thunder storms define your character and shape your personality,

Devote all to nursery flowers to color every inch of the motherland,

Remains salient green like pieces of jade.

Autumn is rich,

The happiest stage for leaves,

All kinds of music, all kind of dancing, all kinds of color,

Celebrate the harvest of the year, spread over the land, cover the mountain, fire the forest,

Performing the splendid life symphony once a year.

Winter is cool,

Leaves sacrifice in the harsh,

They are dancing with the snow, smiling to kiss the earth,

Close their eyes, worship to god,

Please! Next Spring, again, 
the beauty is coming!
