Every day we women have been bombarded by sex scandals around the world, making me think it's coincident or a curse?
As said below, it’s awful to say: you're to blame - yes, men create a trap - you jump right in, sucking up to it. Men create a culture for women wearing short/short, bikini, exposing your breast, legs, whatever sexy - you suck it up and do it.
You really don't want to put on those short shorts /mini-skirts
Angela Lansbury faces backlash for suggesting women must take blame for harassment
Oh, Angela Lansbury. No, girl. Just no. 1) Rapists don't rape because of the way we dress. They rape to exert power over women. It has nothing to do with how we look. 2) It's never the woman's fault. Never. 3) I agree that "men must be very worried". http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11/28/angela-lansbury-attractive-women-must-sometimes-take-blame-sexual/ …pic.twitter.com/mx9A5FZVTb
Angela Lansbury went 92 years without being controversial but decided victim-blaming was the opinion to throw herself under the bus over.pic.twitter.com/WrRKsT5vOg
My grandmother is 80 and she would never suggest my attractiveness was to blame for me being sexually assaulted. "Old fashioned" is no longer an excuse for archaic and harmful comments.
BTW I'm not at all saying Angela Lansbury is cancelled or such nonsense. She just needs to understand how misguided her comments are. Calling someone out is not an attack.
Great. Now Jessica Fletcher has to investigate why Angela Lansbury decided to murder her own moral compasshttps://twitter.com/Newsweek/status/935489760294031360 …
*sees Angela Lansbury is trending* "OH NO SHE BETTER NOT BE DEAD" "oh wait it's worse"https://twitter.com/MirrorCeleb/status/935411259985616896 …
Angela Lansbury, star of the 1944 version of Gaslight, which gave us the term ‘Gaslighting’, has just declared that attractive women share the blame for sexual harassment.pic.twitter.com/x3ruL22cIR
Guys, let's not forget that Angela Lansbury is 92. What 92 doesn't say some inappropriate shit at times? No need to burn her DVDs...
Angela Lansbury’s comments show an attitude that does real harm. But most of all I feel very sad for her and all the other women who have lived by these rules and placed blame at their own door and I think reactions should contain compassion and reflection on generational change.
OK so "they're from a different time" isn't exactly an excuse, but Angela Lansbury grew up in the Hollywood era where harassment was the norm. She's a victim of that culture, not a perpetrator. I'm putting my lighter and my effigy down.
Angela Lansbury has based her views on experience and the world she has lived in over the past 92 years. This is her right. I don’t agree with her, but that’s the problem with opinions and experience, we’re all different. So don't cry about it.
To everyone giving out the #AngelaLansbury is old, she doesn’t know better, she’s from a different generation explanation, Stop! She knows exactly what she’s doing, her wits are about her, victim blaming is never ok. Am i to believe when i get ready to perform i should be raped?!
Angela Lansbury is a 92 year old woman She was raised with very different ideas in VERY different times. 90% of grandparents would turn around and say EXACTLY the same thing. Use our young voices to champion change, not attack an OAP for a generational gap