greencardwaiting 发表评论于 2017-12-29 17:42:15
The conversation happened on an "Access Hollywood" bus with the host Billy Bush. It was referred to as a "locker-room talk" by Trump himself. He later tried to deny that this conversation ever happened, referrin to it as "fake news." Then, Billy Bush wrote an article published on NYT titled "Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That." Then, Trump finally shuts up about........
lanlandehu 发表评论于
Wiserman 发表评论于 2017-12-29 23:02:41
The tax reform will remove the house owner's property IRS tax report deduction.
That is too bad!
property tax 是地方政府收的税,不是联邦税。他们住豪宅就该付相应的税给对方政府。为什么联邦政府要补贴那些住百万,千万豪宅的富人他们的 property tax ?我住的州property tax奇高,我收到2017年的property tax 估价表,比2016年增加了4.7%。房价10多年没有涨,还掉。但是property tax 年年涨。有点房主不知道修了basement 结果property tax 马上张26%。我只能怪地方政府收 property tax 太高。
bbbbtttt 发表评论于
雪潇潇 发表评论于
two2J 发表评论于
greencardwaiting 发表评论于
The conversation happened on an "Access Hollywood" bus with the host Billy Bush. It was referred to as a "locker-room talk" by Trump himself. He later tried to deny that this conversation ever happened, referring to it as "fake news." Then, Billy Bush wrote an article published on NYT titled "Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That." Then, Trump finally shuts up about it being fake.
1) 如果民主党可以全胜,拿下2/3的参议院,trump是必被弹劾无疑。但是,这种可能很小。
2)如果民主党没有全胜,但是成为多数党,那就要看有多少共和党的人愿意投票弹劾trump了,可能会有Jeff Flake, Bob Coaker, Susan Colins, John Maccain (如果他还能投票的话),其他的大概就没了。