其次,不尊重law and order,在这一点,摩尔法官就胜出了。川统选前看不上联邦法官,说他们是“所谓”的法官,就因为一位法官的父母来自墨西哥,这个法官是“墨西哥人”,不配断他的案子。当了总统之后,动用总统职权要FBI局长停止对亲信的调查,未果,干脆把FBI局长开除了,结果惹上了特别检查官穆勒这个瘟神。
最后,在竞选策略上,摩尔也是师法总统。比如,几个礼拜前记者问总统的女发炎人Sarah Sanders:“川统发推嘲笑民主党议员Al Franken性侵指控,但是总统自个也面临指控,这俩人有何不同”?发炎人大喇喇地说,“最大的不同就在于,他们认账了,我们不认账”(“I think in one case, specifically, Sen. Franken has admitted wrongdoing and the president hasn't," she said. 'I think that's a very clear distinction”)。写到这儿,我不禁为这位女发炎人担心了,因为我之前写过一篇文章《老川请不要再糟蹋这个淳朴的女孩子了》,这个淳朴的女孩子就是Sarah,原来是副发言人,Sean Spicer受不了跑了,她就晋升为正发炎人,在老川言传身教下,炎症日渐扩散,越来越不淳朴了。
扯远了,所以说川统的诀窍就是“不认账”。这条毒计,摩尔法官原来也掌握的不好。比如,他性侵女童的事刚出来,保守名嘴Sean Hannity采访他,给他反击的机会。结果摩尔左支右绌,先说他认识指控的部分女士,她们是“nice ladies“,最后憋个脸红脖子粗支支吾吾弄出个“我约会女学生一般都经过她们妈妈的同意”(Moore: I never dated “any girl without the permission of her mother”)。
败因何在?有些没脑子的,上来就老调重弹怪非法投票,选举作弊,可惜他们不知道,阿拉巴马的voter Id law是全国最严了。再要严,干脆就只许白人投票就好了。有点脑子的,会看一看数据,就埋怨黑人票过于集中投向民主党,这是黑人无脑选党吗?您也要看一看这两个候选人的立场,共和党这边,摩尔法官说奴隶制的年代是美国最好的时代;民主党这边的候选人,Doug Jones在案发四十年后亲手法办了六十年代制造黑人教会爆炸案的三K党分子。这两个人放一起,您能埋怨黑人以95%的高比例支持民主党吗?
不知真假 当打预防针。看这个圣诞节谁笑道最后
Over 18,000 servicemen come from the great state of Alabama, and their absentee ballots just came in. This is bad news for Democrats, because Doug Jones’ chances aren’t looking good. According to the State Board of Elections, 16,323 votes came across for Roy Moore while only 1,130 soldiers voted for Jones.
While this is not a victory for Moore yet, it’s important to consider that more than 12,000 votes for Jones are being disputed after illegal aliens were found driving from polling location to polling location voting for Jones and a bus full of blacks came from nearby Mississippi to fraudulently vote. Both of those groups were stopped early into their escapades, but the State Board of Election Integrity found numerous instances of the dead voting for Jones as well.
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确切消息“Roe Moore received additional 26,000 votes a moment ago, beats Dough Jones abut 1,000 votes. Dough Jones required to recount the votes".