退休账户里的投资组合 (2024/2/6 更新)

难得糊涂。望能帮助大家解答投资理财的问题。使大家在投资理财的过程中, 不马马虎虎以及不糊糊涂涂被人忽悠, 尽快实现财务自由。
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General guideline of asset allocation based on ages.  This is a very general guideline, you can adjust the percentage based on your risk appetite.

·                 120 – (your age) = equity %

For the equity part, I would allocate 90% to total stock market index fund (VTI) or S&P 500 index fund (SPY) and 10% Nasdaq 100 (QQQ).  If you don't have the choice of a total stock market index fund or S&P 500 index fund, you can use 70% large cap / 20% mid cap / 10% small cap funds allocation to make up for that.

People will ask why I have only allocated 10% to QQQ.  Actually, 30% of S&P 500 index are in high technology companies.  As of Junuary 1st, 2024, high technology companies had a weighting of 37% in S&P 500 Index.

For the bond part, I have another post to explain why you need to diversify your investment with bond, especially, near or at or after your retirement.


If you don't want to manage these allocations yourself, you can use target-date funds if you have this choice in your retirement account or your company's 401(k) plan.


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