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Churchill speech in Darkest Hour receives 'extraordinary' standing ovations in cinemas

It has gone down in history as one of the most rousing speeches of all time.
Sir Winston Churchill’s call to “fight on the beaches” has lost none of its power, it seems, as cinema-goers report a spate of spontaneous standing ovations at the conclusion of new biopic Darkest Hour.
The film, starring Gary Oldman as Churchill, is said to be inspiring patriotic fervour around the country and even in the United States, as audiences react to the recreation of the famous Second World War oration with an “extraordinary” show of clapping.
Fans of the film have speculated that the reaction is down to both the appreciation of the film and an acknowledgement of the British war effort, with one suggesting it captured a “Dunkirk Spirit coming out” in 2018.
Eric Fellner, co-chairman of Working Title Films and producer of Darkest Hour, said filmmakers had received numerous “surprising” reports of audiences...
Darkest Hour
The NYTimes
The Atlantic
Common Sense Media