她终于又站起来了One Moment Can Change Life

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One Moment Can Change Life 

My friend Kathy has been silent for quite awhile. Since her immune system was down from the disease and some medicines, she mostly stayed away from crowds. She washed, washed, washed, and wore a mask when she had to be in public. She didn’t welcome people to stop by for a couple hours for visits, because she did not "welcome" sickies into her house. Her friends all kept away from her.

Recently, it is very glad to hear from Kathy again. It was only two weeks for her to have made a lot of improvements. It is amazing that finally she has given up a wheelchair and improved her breathing much more. 

Originally, Kathy is a funny lady. Now, she is still keeping optimistic attitude to her medical problem. Her story is so touched and good humor. 

The week before last week, she made an appointment to see a doctor. She also ordered a wheelchair service from a volunteer. That day, she drove to the clinic building without her husband’s help. She even forgot to bring her phone so that she could not call a volunteer to help her to reach the doctor office. She had to be going to try it. 

OK, God at work: she fortunately had a walking sticks in her car; she moved into a automatic doors; she found a bench just inside the automatic doors; she could see another bench probably 5 steps away next to the elevators; she rested on the bench; she got on elevator; she rested on the bench right outside the elevator door; she could see doctor’s door, but it was probably 20 steps; she slowly moved to reach the doctor’s office by resting one time, two times and three times; and finally she got the office. God bless her! He was working for helping her.

No matter what happens, Kathy always keep on an optimistic mood. She had told me that we can know where our strength comes from to get through the hard times.
She likes to sing songs and especially, Willie Nelson’s sing "Woke up and I'm Still Not Dead!" Yes, Kathy is right. We had to laugh and keep smile. Decided we need to start each day with that song. Before I had never hear that song before.

Congratulations for Kath for making such a great progress! She absolutely are a strong woman and a big winner. I am so proud of her.

Hopefully, in time she will be able to put the wheelchair aside and be able to go up and down some steps again so she can get out to visit us.

I will rejoice with her and continue to pray for her.


menopause 发表评论于
回复 'GraceX' 的评论 : 受鼓舞!真没有想到,你有心读我的英文博文。一直以来以为自己用英文写博文就是自言自语,没有什么人看。
GraceX 发表评论于
回复 'menopause' 的评论 : 是的,很高兴我们有共同的爱好,而且我也很高兴你有不少用英文写的文章
menopause 发表评论于
回复 'GraceX' 的评论 : 谢谢你,我的知音!去你的博客里看了看,发现你也酷爱音乐。音乐让我们相知相识,让美妙的音乐继续伴随我们走过今后的岁月。
GraceX 发表评论于
Strong Kathy and good for her. 太巧了,你的第一首歌曲《随缘》正是我最近一直在听的。