美国股市历史中Nifty Fifty投资表现的学习思考

In the United States, Nifty Fifty refers to the historic benchmarking index that was used in the 1960s to reflect the stock index. It contained 50 popular large-cap stocks on the New York Stock Exchange in the 1960s and 1970s that were widely regarded as solid buy and hold growth stocks, or "Blue-chip" stocks. These fifty stocks are credited by historians with propelling the bull market of the early 1970s. Most are still solid performers, although a few are now defunct or otherwise worthless. The American nifty fifty is now defunct as it was subsequently replaced by the S&P 500.

Because of the under-performance of most of the nifty fifty list, it is often cited as an example of unrealistic investor expectations for growth stocks. - Wikipedia

只要是对美国股市历史有一些了解的人,都知道 Nifty Fifty ,股市投资者在投资过程中期望值过高,脱离实际是经常发生的事,从有交易所开始,这类的不理智行为就从来没有中断过,以后也不可能消失。一个最好的例子就是2000科技泡沫,因为这是发生在Nifty Fifty 之后,而且投资者整体都认可了在Nifty  Fifty中犯的投资错误,但是大家依然集体重复了之前的相同错误。

“股票市场充斥着一群了解关于价格的所有事情,但却对价值毫无所知的人” — 菲利普.费雪(Philip Fisher)

Critics of Dividend Growth Investing love bringing up examples of failed companies. Polaroid and Eastman Kodak are two favorites. Sears and Kresge are popular, too.

And when a naysayer really wants to score comment-stream points with like-minded cynics, he or she will smugly ask a buy-and-hold DGI proponent: "Yeah, but what if you had bought the Nifty Fifty?"

Well, here's what-if: I'd be a multimillionaire, thank you.

Let's say I had $50,000 to invest 40 years ago. And let's say I bought $1,000 worth of each company in that famous -- some would say infamous -- collection of stocks. That means I not only got Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG) and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ), but I also got stuck with the likes of J.C. Penney and Emery Air Freight.

And no, I haven't forgotten about the outrageous commissions that brokers charged back then. Erring on the side of "Yikes!" let's say each trade cost $100. That means my total investment on September 23, 1974 would have been $55,000.

We now know that Polaroid and Kodak stock went on to be worthless. Other eventual losers included Sears and Schlitz. Still others, such as Gillette and Anheuser-Busch, changed materially through mergers or acquisitions.

But here's the deal: There were some pretty nifty survivors, too.


按照今天的市值,这个投资组合的市价会在500万以上。 Nifty Fifty 是作为一个失败的投资案例写进教科书的,基本上 , 大多数人都会将投资失败归咎于股市和市场,很少有人会愿意承认是投资者自己犯了最基本的常识错误。有多少人愿意承认2000年科技泡沫,自己应该承担最主要的责任,而且是犯了最基本的投资常识错误。大多数人想的只是如果自己能出手快那么一点点 ,。。。。。。



在上面的Nifty Fifty的投资计算中,投资组合从未卖出过一股股票,其中66%的股票清零了,即使是33%存活的股票的投资起始价位也是高估状态。

在投资上,技术要从属于策略,策略要从属战略,战略最终从属于信念和价值观。投资失败和成功的程度,技术层的影响其实很小,策略层的影响有限,大部分结果取决于投资战略是否正确和基本信念的牢靠程度。但绝大多数人每天的眼里都是技术,几天换一个策略,从不思考战略,永远未曾理解和坚守信念。- 水晶苍蝇拍 

Nifty Fifty 在投资技术上是彻底失败,买入明显高估的股票,也没有任何的价格波动的交易,策略上马马虎虎,分散在50个股票上,没有明确的重点,没有任何投资分析的主动性,战略上坚持了长期投资,复利投资。

One of my coworker is retiring end this year after working here for 20 years. He own two houses--one for primary living and one for vacation. He bought 12 stocks over the past 20 years. never sale any one. Now, his asset is over 3 M. Our company offer good benefit including health insurance for life. Pention about 100K per year. He will have a good retirement life. 二年前一位网友的跟贴

这位退休人士在退休后的二年,投资组合大概又升值了一百万(2018年大概也已经有20万升值了),而他在这二年中可能什么都没做,也许连一次的股票交易都没有。 毫无疑问,这是一位业余个人投资者,他的投资方法根源于几十年前的Nifty Fifty, 但是有改进。

比较有意思的是,在NIfty Fifty 的幸存名单里,老巴投资过其中半数的股票,而且有几个是老巴极其重要的投资,这些投资标的,在老巴参与投资的多年之前,就已经用正式的方式公诸于世了。

同样的时代大家其实面临的机会都差不多,区别只在于把握度。- 水晶苍蝇拍

