楼下“just for fun”,如果你们下次再去游行,建议把我起草的短信当传单发出去。信里没有不友好的,谴责别人的意思,只是诉苦。虽然人不在加拿大,但希望为华人的政治利益尽一份力。
Dear fellow Canadians,
As Asian-Canadians, we seek to share our perspectives and the emotions we collectively experienced over the past week.
As the widely-publicized “hajab incident” transpired, we have gone through an emotional rollercoaster. We initially experienced pain for the accuser; many of us experienced guilt because an “Asian” was originally identified as the alleged perpetrator. We were also fearful as being misrepresented as islamophobia by society at large. As the portrayal of the event rapidly unraveled, we were relieved both for the young accuser herself as well as for the Asian-Canadian community. While we appreciated our exoneration by the police, we were disappointed, first, that politicians and the mainstream media uncritically reported the accusations and, second, have now failed to acknowledge the pain that our community has gone through. As a minority group, we love peace, support diversity, and respect all religions. We are very disappointed to have been the victim of racial animus on the part of the accuser and, more importantly, to have been treated so poorly by prominent politicians including the Prime Minister. Surely an acknowledgement is warranted by our politicians that their haste to judgment was inappropriate. If anyone has been harmed by this, it is we Asian-Canadians, yet we hear no chorus of apologies. While the politicians and media may have forgotten us, we hope our fellow Canadians will hear our concerns, share our feelings, and remember our suffering.