50 times American Healthcare System Shocked The Rest of the Worl

50+ Times American Healthcare System Shocked The ... - Bored Panda


By?Marija Bern

While the United States has largely considered itself as the greatest country in the world for the last few decades, the statistics tell us that there are areas where things can definitely be improved.

In military might and defence spending the U.S. is undisputedly number one. But in other areas, more important aspects of human wellbeing such as educationlife expectancyhappinessgender and income equality and healthcare, there are more mixed results.

The U.S. healthcare system in particular is a continuing source of bafflement for many, who are accustomed to a degree of protection against the double disaster of poor health followed by financial ruin.

While American hospitals and medical facilities are world class, they are also incredibly expensive and available only to those able to afford them. We at Bored Panda have compiled a list of examples that highlight the inadequacies of the current healthcare system, while polarised politicians continue to argue about their vision for its future. Scroll down to check them out below, and stay healthy over there in America, y’all.


#1 The "Radical" Idea Of Universal Healthcare

The "Radical" Idea Of Universal Healthcare


WaLe 2 days ago

Ahahah as sad as your US reality is, this sounds like a great plan! Also Spain is quite lovely!

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#2 I Had To Pay $39.35 To Hold My Baby After He Was Born

I Had To Pay $39.35 To Hold My Baby After He Was Born


MagicalUnicorn 2 days ago

awesome shirt though, i would totally hug this cutie

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#3 US Healtcare System

US Healtcare System


Victor Calamity 2 days ago

To be fair...no one's ever needed to say it out loud

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#5 Medical Treatment Is A Privelege

Medical Treatment Is A Privelege


Tiago Cruz 2 days ago

Because their constitution is outdated. The second amendment made sense when America didn't had an army to defend their country against foreign aggressors, in this case, the British. In some states it was mandatory to have gun, because there was no army...now it's a nonsense, in my opinion.

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#6 A Copy Of The Bill We Got When Our Daughter Was Born In Canada

A Copy Of The Bill We Got When Our Daughter Was Born In Canada


Vanessa 2 days ago

Now I'm curious, what is the average billl for a childbirth in a hospital in USA?

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#7 No, That’s Unamerican

No, That’s Unamerican


Queen Nehelenia 2 days ago

That's nice. You haven't free healthcare system, you haven't, a real and full-paid 20-30 days holiday (evey year) at work. What else?

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#9 At Least We’re First In Something

At Least We’re First In Something


Bored Fox 2 days ago

Here in Finland every citizen have health insurace because it is paid from the taxes. And because of that insurance also the poor people can afford healthcare. It is funny to see when some Finnish people complain that a prescription drug is 'too expensive' if it costs over 30 euros per month when in USA the exactly same drug is usually 3 to 10 times more expensive.

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#11 American Healthcare

American Healthcare


Hope Floats 2 days ago

That's just terrible and so sad... Where is the compassion in the US or does that come at a steep price too?

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#12 Why Americans Are So Friendly

Why Americans Are So Friendly


Wim Cossement 2 days ago

Or they get no tips to add to their pathetic wages as waiter? :-/

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#14 Healthcare Tip

Healthcare Tip


It’s Caturday 3.0, Baby 2 days ago

Hahaha this is so dark. Love it!

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#15 The American Healthcare System Be Like

The American Healthcare System Be Like

Extra Fabulous ComicsReport

Victor Calamity 2 days ago

Come on, now! Who WOULDN'T pay 4 grand for a kiss from that cutie?

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#17 Universal Health Care Disasters

Universal Health Care Disasters


Victor Calamity 2 days ago

I'm most impressed by the fact that Germany started theirs in the middle of freakin' World War II

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#19 Guess I'll Die

Guess I'll Die


Patti Brock 2 days ago

so sad that this is true... :(

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#21 Important Questions

Important Questions


Victor Calamity 2 days ago

Come on, now... "If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears, does it make a sound" is sooo 2016

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#22 Future Of Healthcare

Future Of Healthcare


Victor Calamity 2 days ago

...What time is it now?

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#23 Crowdfunding For Health Care

Crowdfunding For Health Care


Tiny Dynamine 2 days ago

Dystopia is definitely the right word. It's a sick society that makes people choose between paying and dying.

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#24 Universal Healthcare

Universal Healthcare


Ian richmond 2 days ago

Why does this not have any comments this was one of the few that actually made me lol

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#26 We Would Like Healthcare Too

We Would Like Healthcare Too


jacqueline charity 2 days ago

And you didn't even have a discount coupon. Spendthrift!

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#27 American Healthcare

American Healthcare


Fiona Messenger 2 days ago

HELLO people, the picture is meant to be dry humour, but its gone whoooosh way over some heads here.

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#28 Healthcare...


Cyanide and HappinessReport

Lisa Beatty 2 days ago

I love Cyanide and Happiness

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#29 Pro-Life



SarahScouse 2 days ago

Serious question to citizens of USA, do you really believe your nation is the greatest? And if so why? This isn't a dig or anything but most of us in the rest of the world really don't see why. I would like to understand.

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#31 People Are Calling Uber To Be Taken To The Emergency Room Instead Of Ambulances

People Are Calling Uber To Be Taken To The Emergency Room Instead Of Ambulances


Vanessa 2 days ago

So there should be a different ambulance for a broken leg or a cardiac arrest (or anything which need monitoring and high skilled staff)

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#32 Paul Ryan Gives Presentation On Trumpcare

Paul Ryan Gives Presentation On Trumpcare


Captain Planet 2 days ago

Maybe trumpcare should be renamed to "weapons of mass destruction" lol. Europe should intervene the same way as the US is doing in the middle east for killing tons of their innocent citizens.

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#33 Everyone Will Be Covered

Everyone Will Be Covered

Matt BorsReport

KT Trondsen 2 days ago

Wow...that's so dark, but so sadly acurate

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#34 Nice Hat, Though

Nice Hat, Though


jacqueline charity 2 days ago

MAGA... Morons Are Governing America!

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#35 Welcome To The Usa

Welcome To The Usa


jacqueline charity 2 days ago

And watch them on tv grinning as they high-five each other over voting for legislation that kills us.

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#36 Reproductive Health App

Reproductive Health App


Sharron Unser 2 days ago

There should be one to transfer stage 3 labor pains

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#37 Fantasyland


Kasia BabisReport

Magnus Bane 2 days ago


#38 The Only Insurance I Can Afford In America

The Only Insurance I Can Afford In America


jacqueline charity 2 days ago

I wish you no major health concerns like No fractures, cancer, heart attacks, etc.

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#39 Hard To Choose

Hard To Choose


Elizabeth Gruenwald 2 days ago

One on right costs more!!!!

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#40 This Is The Cost Of A Rattlesnake Bite In America

This Is The Cost Of A Rattlesnake Bite In America


Captain Planet 2 days ago

This makes it seem like it's easier to survive medical issues in a developing continent like africa than it is in a western "developed" continent like america... Maybe america is the real developing continent...

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#42 My Cousins Child Birth Bill From The Hospital In The USA. Never Seen Anything This High

My Cousins Child Birth Bill From The Hospital In The USA. Never Seen Anything This High


Radu Tanase 2 days ago

Even tne mist expensive penthouses, villas, etc are not that expensive.... I'm assuming you gave birth in a palace (from a fairy tale by the price of it)

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#43 Insert Almost Every Flag On Earth Instead Sweden

Insert Almost Every Flag On Earth Instead Sweden


Neeraj Jha 2 days ago

I like how Sweden is shown as the great dane here

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#44 Everything Would Be Well Funded And Work Perfectly

Everything Would Be Well Funded And Work Perfectly


Kat Hoth 2 days ago

I've said that for years about social security and Medicare as well.

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#45 American Healthcare In A Nutshell

American Healthcare In A Nutshell


frank0ys 2 days ago

...This country should get their priorities straight.

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#46 Paid By Taxes

Paid By Taxes


Magnus Bane 2 days ago

I don't remember this in Die Hard

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#47 This Is How I Imagine The USA Health System Works

This Is How I Imagine The USA Health System Works


Matthew Horne 2 days ago

Ha! That's a picture from the UK, where we get babies delivered for free AND get a handshake from an unemployed ex prime minister every single time.

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#48 Affordable Healthcare

Affordable Healthcare


Nitesh 1 day ago

You might die, but poverty wont be the culprit there.








