childish, so be it

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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咱小时, 表现小老大人 (说大人话,干大人活), 一脸深沉(小脑瓜常想几个问题 - 家父常夸), 在校干部班干部好学生;在家, 家务抢干,队挣大人工分包工抢先。现在想不出童年趣事。美国人,教小孩为小孩 - 天真活泼幼稚 - 有点事嚷父母, 就可爱。

In my childhood, I did the performance of the young adults (adults, adult life), a look of deep (small brain often want to ask a few questions - my father often boast), cadres in school cadres good students. Acting like Big sub-contractor labor first, I did what adults did in those days. Now I can not think of childhood fun. Like Americans, they teach children to be children - naïve and naïve - a little things they're shouting to parents for help, it is so cute, so lovely

- yeah, childish, so be it. It's much Better to have a childhood than to have none.
