2018 Chinese New Year: I Marched To Town

The second day of lunar 2018, I went to see my aunt in the
village. No bus operated that day and the taxi charged me 50
Yuan for the 15km one-way trip. In the afternoon, I couldn't
find anything to take me back to town. I knew that could
happen and had a backup plan before the trip.

I hated the fuss this caused at farewell and begged her:
"No need, really! Don't feel bad and thank you for giving
me a chance!" I walked, no, I marched back.

The air was cold, the smog light, the landscape bleak, and
everything looked grey. I needed some exercise but didn't
like to run with a backpack. So I strode with zeal and had
to take off a layer of pants in one or two miles. The road
became wider and busier as I got closer to town. I hated
having to constantly make way for cars. It might well be
that the roads were built without pedestrians in mind.
Thankfully I didn't mistake the place for Canada.

It took me two hours and 20 minutes in total to get home
without breaking a single sweat. During the trip I saw no
one else travelling on foot, one riding a bicycle, and one or
two on motorcycles. Everyone else was in a car. They must
have thought I was crazy ;-)

My cousin and aunt still thought it was remarkable as I
called back to report my safe return. I was sure it would be
the talk of the village over time because I planned to make
it a tradition: walk to visit aunt whenever feasible. It was
indeed unusual in this day and age. But my grandpa pushed a
flat wheelbarrow carrying sacks of wheat and peanuts all the
way to visit us when I was small. How things changed, humans
adapted, and yet my admiration of him stayed.

GraceX 发表评论于
回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : Can you whistle? I mean making music from your mouth. The music in this video is one of the best for you to march home (^o^)/~
7grizzly 发表评论于
Thank you, Grace, for reading and your comments. Yes. Music might make it even better.
GraceX 发表评论于
It is always interesting that we do the things that most people don't do anymore. Next time when you march back the town from your aunt house, bring the music with you just like this: Colonel Bogey March
