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但是中南海的春节并不轻秐,印度总理大年三十去中国藏南给印度驻华军队拜年,害得外交部发言人大年初一不得不加班,抗议印度总理访问中国不申请签证。幸好汉字很好胡弄人,一句争议地区就将印度驻华军队合法化了。如同去年印军入侵洞郎,一句越界进入就大事化小 小事化无了。








Inhofe and Delegation Meet with Taiwanese Military Leaders

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe led a delegation of members of the House and Senate to Taiwan this week where they met with President Tsai, Foreign Minister Lee and Defense Minister Shih-kuan. The delegation discussed a number of items of mutual interest, including missile defense, military cooperation and China’s aggressive position in the South China Sea.

 Taiwan Military Leaders


Sen. Inhofe and delegation visit Taiwan Army Aviation and Special Operations Command

 “I appreciated the opportunity to meet with esteemed leaders in Taiwan to discuss the long-standing, positive relationship between the United States and Taiwan,” Inhofe said. “The recently released National Defense Strategy properly identified China, with their rapid reclamation projects in the South China Sea and growing global influence, as a strategic competitor to the United States. A continued and vibrant relationship with Taiwan, to include military cooperation and ensuring Taiwan has the ability to defend itself, is key to keeping China’s increasingly aggressive posture in check and maintaining regional stability.”十
