California Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, a prominent voice in the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment, announced Friday she is "voluntarily taking an immediate unpaid leave" of absence, a day after allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced against her.
Politico reported Thursday that two men had accused the Democratic head of the state's Legislative Women's Caucus of inappropriate behavior.
Daniel Fierro said that a visibly intoxicated Garcia grabbed his buttocks and tried to grab his crotch after a 2014 softball game when he was a 25-year-old staffer for Assemblyman Ian Calderon.
A "prominent Sacramento lobbyist" who wished to remain anonymous also told Politico that Garcia made an unwelcome sexual advance. The lobbyist told the political news site that Garcia "cornered him, made a graphic sexual proposal, and tried to grab his crotch at a political fundraiser" in May 2017.
大家看到没?这位加州民主党重量级议员,女权运动的旗帜,反对 sex harrasement 的先锋,对川普所谓的咸猪手gate口诛笔伐的 liberal 的杰出代表,居然是一个屡次性骚挠男生的惯犯,如假包换的咸猪手!